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by B~LeAnne

previous entry: Working at iHop!!

next entry: weekend with the boyfriend

random survey


Have you ever had a sleepover with more then 2 people?

Will this weekend be a good one?
eh it has been so far.

Do you have facebook?

Are you stressed out? If so, why?
yes cuz i need and want a job at a hospital and my own place

Do you have a bestfriend of the opposite sex?

Are you excited about anything?
21st birthday in 11 days!

Has the last person you talked to ever been mad at you?

Do you trust easily?

Do you currently have feelings for anybody?

Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?

Who was the last person you talked to in person?

Who was the last person to IM you?

Do you usually apologize first?
if i'm wrong

What are you doing tomorrow?
hopefully dr then work

Would you like to get anything off your chest?

Has anything happened today that you wish hadn't?
yea, i'm coughin my lungs out

The last time you were in a car, where were you going and with who?
home from aunt meme's with my boys

Who do you wish were sitting beside you?
the boyfriend

The last time you cried, what was the reason?
thursday night idk? it was kinda crazy i kinda went crazy, so then the man kinda went crazy lol it's not funny but what can ya do?

Do you over think situations?

Who recently disappointed you?
idk? myself

Can falling in love change a person?

Are you more laid back or loud and spontaneous?
depends on who im with and where i'm at

Anyone hate you at the moment?
who cares

What do you hear right now?

What are you thinking about right now?
this dumb biatch

Are you watching tv, if so, what are you watching?

Do you drink Vitamin Water?
don't really like it but the kiwi strawberry is okay

Would you put your life on the line for anyone?

How many people did you talk on the phone with yesterday?

What is your ultimate fear(s)?
to lose someone i love while we're on bad terms

Have you ever been searched by the cops?
i have not

How many different drinks have you had today?

Do you have plans on Saturday?
was just gonna go to work

What is on your wrist right now?

Will you be in a relationship in the next couple of months?
i believe so

You see someone running around naked in the street. Your reaction would be?
i'd most definitely laugh.

Do any of your friends have tongue rings?

What was the first drink you had this morning?

Have you hugged anybody today?

Are you one of those people that always answer their phones?
depends who it is

Have you ever kissed someone that had a tattoo?

What is your hair like at the moment?
up n shit, jus like i feel

Did you go out or stay in last night?

Were you single on Valentine's Day? What did you do?
yes don't remember

What color are your eyes?

Who texted you last?

Who called you last?
the boyfriend

Are you wearing jeans, shorts, or sweats?

When did you meet the last male you texted?
almost 4 months ago

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

How are you feeling at this exact moment?

Do you have any scars?
yes tons

Will you be in a relationship next month?

Is it possible to be single and happy?
of course

Is your profile private?

Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
my cuz ashley from FB

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?

When was the last time you laughed really hard?
don't know.

Have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up?

Is there anyone you wish you could be spending time with right now?
yes, but in my OWN house, OUR own house

Have you seen the last person you texted recently?

Is there such thing as a perfect relationship?
perfectly unperfect

Are you wearing a sports shirt?

Is it easy for someone to make you smile/laugh?
depends on who

Who was the last girl to text you?

If you could have something right now, what would it be?
my own place or a job at a hospital

Are you easy to get along with?

Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow?

Next time you will kiss someone?
soon as i see the boyfriend again

previous entry: Working at iHop!!

next entry: weekend with the boyfriend

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