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After A Life Full Of Laughter
by ~*~Bly~Jette~*~

previous entry: Been Gone For Way Too Long!

next entry: Swallow My Pride

Secret Life?


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Sometimes I wish...

I wish I had a cool secret life, lol. I don't know why. I mean, it would be so cool to come here and no one know who I really am and just be like "I have the most exciting life"... Ahhh, I guess I'm getting bored XD I do pretty much the same thing day in and day out. I love my family and wouldn't trade it but sometimes it's boring!

I guess that's why I write, in my stories the characters can do anything! They could be secret agents, CSI's, hell they can even be vampires... I'm writing a fanfic on another diary on here about me having a life with Robert Pattinson. XD Now THAT'S exciting, hehe.

Tomorrow is Ellie's birthday.. my little sassy girl, I can't believe she's going to be 4 tomorrow. It goes by so darn fast. *Sniffles* Anyways... I'm gonna go... Just thought I'd share my random thoughts with all of you.

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previous entry: Been Gone For Way Too Long!

next entry: Swallow My Pride

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