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Theme of the Week
by Theme Of The Week

previous entry: Theme 424

next entry: Theme 426

Theme 425


theme 425

Option # 1: New
Submitted by Bittersweet.

How did you come up with your Bloop username?

Option # 2: Old
Submitted by Lady Elphaba.

Say you got a chance to be in any stage production - just imagine you want to perform even if you don't perform or don't want to; just imagine - what play or musical would you be in, what character would you portray and why?

Option # 3: TOTW

A close member of your family has committed murder. Would you keep quiet about it? What might your silence depend upon?

» Submit a theme idea.
» Submit your entry to the TOTW circle. classic layouts 

previous entry: Theme 424

next entry: Theme 426

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