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What's your secret?
by BloopSecrets

previous entry: every chance you give me, i'll screw it up

next entry: How do I get past this?

Talking to the Ex


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I can't help it. I have never stopped talking to my first love. We will call him "B."
B and I have known each other since I was 17. We spent EVERYDAY together for over a year. And i'm serious about the everyday, there never went a day without him.. most nights I slept at his house.
B and I broke up on good terms. I had to move.
He couldn't come. He has a child. And only get's "c" on the weekends. So I didn't want to ask him to leave his child for me.

Well B and I have always talked, we'll fight every now and than because he want's me to leave my husband "L" and I can't because we have a child together. B lives in another state. But I honestly love him more than my husband. What a horrible wife am I?
Maybe it's because L (my husband) has not been "touching" me in so long. Maybe it's because I love B with all my heart and I just can't seem to shake my love for him.

You may ask why I didn't move back to be with B before I became a couple with my husband? Well, We lost touch for a year and I found him after I was married.

Sometimes I want to leave L for B .. but I guess you could say I don't have the balls.


I love him & my husband...

I've known him 5 years.. and no matter how much I try and be a good person... I just keep running to him.. his love for me is pure

previous entry: every chance you give me, i'll screw it up

next entry: How do I get past this?

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Sounds like you'll never be truly happy until you're with him. Might be worth considering

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

Most people never get over their first love, so I think that what you are feeling is normal. Before making any kind of decision, make sure it's really what you want. Things might change. Your husband is the one who at least made the commitment.

[The Happy NesseStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i'm with poetic justice. and don't ever think that you're not a good person because you are. everyone feels this way at one point or another. maybe not in the same situation, but everyone feels this way at some point in their lives.

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

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