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What's your secret?
by BloopSecrets

previous entry: Talking to the Ex

next entry: Gave me meaning

How do I get past this?


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So, this is one thing I really don't like to think about, but maybe if I get it off my chest, some people will do just the same. It was a really hard time from my dad because that's when he got hurt on the job and his back got messed up. From the ages twelve to seventeen years old, I was molested by my father. I guess that's one of the main reasons why my mom and me left when I was eighteen. Anyways... I used to lie as a child and a teenager all the time. I guess that was just my way of life. I just kind of wish my brother would see that me saying that I was molested by our father was the truth. A couple weeks ago, we got into some huge argument, and he brings it up where that he just doesn't believe me. Oh well...

previous entry: Talking to the Ex

next entry: Gave me meaning

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denial. I don't think anyone wants to believe that someone in their family could do that to someone else.

[.Krisstah.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I agree... Shock/denial. Hopefully he'll come around.

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

[//movielayouts//Star|0 likes] [|reply]

^ ditto. i'm so sorry.

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

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