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What's your secret?
by BloopSecrets

previous entry: Unexpected babies

next entry: I want to save him



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I wish I could say this on my diary but I can't. I'm afraid people would lose respect for me.

My boyfriend called me this morning. His ex girlfriend tested positive for Chlamydia(apparently) and now he and I are getting tested. Him sometime this week and me sometime next week. I was just recently tested already but better safe than sorry.

We're thinking either 1) she's lying and wants to cause problems in the relationship or 2) she was wondering if he ever cheated on her.
I'm praying she's just a cunt and thinks this STD scare will drive me away from him, even though it wont.

Please keep me in your prayers.

previous entry: Unexpected babies

next entry: I want to save him

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I don't see how anyone would lose respect for you. You're having sex with your boyfriend. His ex is obviously nasty or doesn't know how to use proper protection. If she did she wouldnt' have the disease.

I'd personally respect you more for going and getting tested, to make sure that you and possible future partners are safe.

Props to you!

♥ →

[Jessica.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I fail to see how this should affect other people's respect for didn't give him anything...She's probably just hoe-bag.

[Brent Alejandro|0 likes] [|reply]

chlamydia is just SO easy to contract and is often without symptoms. shes just being a cow

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

1 in 5 people under 25 HAVE an STD and don't even realise.

[*Amour De Bebe*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Only an idiot and certainly not a true friend would lose respect for you over that. But definitely get tested, and hopefully everything will be ok =)

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

i hope you dont have one. *prays*

[burt|0 likes] [|reply]

i have had chlamydia. its curable. so no need for u to worry if u or ur man come up positive. mistakes happen. we are all human and no one should lose respect for u cuz ur mans ex was a skank. not ur fault.

[Mami 2 MoisesitoStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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