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by Team Bloop

previous entry: Bloop v3

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Bloop v3: Progress


If you couldn't write entries at Bloop v3, you should be able to now.

There's lots of progress being made, here's a short update:

1. OpenID support: if you have an account with another diary site (or any website supporting OpenID), you can sign comments without being an actual member at Bloop. OpenID is also integrated into the upcoming privacy options, so you can add an OpenID to your friends or blocked list.

2. Browser detection: I'm currently working on detecting browsers and automatically setting the mobile attribute. So far it detects IE6+, FireFox 3, Safari and Chrome.

3. Entries can be posted, and comments too.

What I'm working on right now:

1. Pre-submission password encryption. When you log in, I want the browser to automatically encrypt the password where possible.

2. Entry headers and footers.

3. 'My Comments' page which will be available when I'm finished coding indexes into the virtual file system.

That's it for now!

If you like what's happening, consider buying BloopXtra to support the development.


Visit the support area for assistance and the most recent system related updates.

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i like the openID thing. i don't know if anyone i know elsewhere will use it though. the ex-bloopers i know will probably want to keep staying away.

[& skull.|0 likes] [|reply]

There will definitely be people that won't use it, but I'm certain there will be a range of people that will too

[SteveStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Mobile Bloop would be AWESOME. =D I spend my life on my BB Torch now. xD

Also this new Bloop v3 - is anything we create on there going to be stored, or is it only temporary (and going to be wiped before it's officially unveiled)?

[lithium layouts.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

It is all temporary at this point, the site is not stable enough for me to rely on the database.

Mobile Bloop is a definite feature of v3, it won't be released without it.

[SteveStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yay! Thanks Steve!

[Doris &heartsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

so does the open ID thing mean people will be able to see members only entries, or will that remain bloop exclusive? I dont want people sneaking in and looking at stuff. it doesnt sit right with ,me, theres just people IRL I dont want reading my stuff.and I know they wont come to bloop to make a diary, but I dont want them wandering in either to find themselves being spoken of .

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Well, right now, the privacy options we have at Bloop are:

Public, Members, Friends, Private

This will turn into:

Public, Guests, Members, Friends, Private

Where Public will be unregistered users, Guests will be OpenID users, Members will be Bloop members, Friends will be a list you specify and Private will be you.

[SteveStar|0 likes] [|reply]

thanks for the clarity. I already have bloop xtra and have for years, so Im doing my bit, and rarely require any upkeep.. appreciate the reply .

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

You should totally link to new bloop in this entry too, in case people who haven't read the past entries want to click. (And for me, because I'm too lazy to go back an entry to get onto new Bloop again! )
Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[Always EstellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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