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i blinked 182.'s Diary
by i blinked 182.

next entry: My LIFE in PICTURES :)

You should have a travel agent, cause' you a trip.



Hello all! My name is Amber and I am officially back on bloop. Not a lot of you probably remember me, but some of my diary names were "i empire", "your lifeline", "amberandairwaves", etc. Either way, it's good to be back. I met SO many amazing people on here, and I'm still friends with a lot of them! I'm excited to be bloopin' again I apologize for my frontpage, or lack of one. Still workin' on that Anyway, to start off with my boring self..

I am twenty years old, live in Los Angeles County, and I work at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I'm happy to say that after 3 years at my job, I was just recently hired at The Cheesecake Factory (I'll be in the Bakery, what what? ) . My last day at Coffee Bean is on Friday, so I'm pretty stoked! New year, new changes I am single and currently just going with the flow of life, if love happens to come my way then so be it, but for now I'm just focusing on my goals and my family. Speaking of family, I live with my mom (who is my best friend and my life), as well as the owner of my heart : my 1 1/2 year old brown tabby Chloe. Those two girls are my everything I also have an older brother, John, and he's 29. He lives on his own and just recently got engaged to his AMAZING girlfriend of 8 years and I couldn't be happier for him! They are both amazing people

I begin my third semester at Los Angeles Harbor College February 7th and for the first time, I will be going full time! The past two semesters I have taken 3 classes and worked full time, but this time I will be taking 4 classes and working full time! I know it sounds crazy but I like to challenge myself and I believe I can do it I'm excited for classes to start and work towards completing my units in order to transfer. I have not chosen a major yer, but I plan on majoring in Criminal Justice. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do in the Criminal Justice field, but there are many options. I'm also interested in Court Reporting and was thinking of looking into a Court Reporting school, but like I said, I'm not exactly sure what I want to do.

As far as anything you should probably know about me..obviously, I'm a HUGE Blink-182 fan. I grew up listening to them, due to my brother being a fan of them when I was younger. I have their smiley face logo and "Blink 182" tattooed behind my left ear, and I have met them three times. Music is my escape and Blink-182 takes me to a different level and when I'm listening to them I feel comfortable, excited, and just at a calm. I know, sounds cheesy but I really do love them. Anyway, that's pretty much it. Everything else there is to know about me I'm sure you all will find out in time (if you keep reading me, that is..haha).


So today was my orientation at The Cheesecake Factory and it went really well! There was about 4 other people there, and one of them is going to be in Bakery with me. We discussed a lot of the basic stuff about the company, watched a few videos, and ate (THE BEST PART!). No joke, I had so much freaking food. Steak, mushroom chicken, crab wontons, fried cheese, salad, mash potatoes, four different types of cheesecake (by the way, we just sampled all of these. There's no way I would be able to eat full portions of that! Haha). It was ridiculous but OH SO GOOD. I received my uniform and now I'm just waiting to be scheduled for my first training shift. They post their schedules online, which is completely new to me but also really cool and convenient. By the way, my cousin's husband is a cook there so he was able to get me my first interview there. Lucky me! Even though I did a total of four interviews

The only thing I'm worried about is my uniform. They are extremely professional there and you have to iron your shirt, and I don't even think I own an iron. I'll have to get myself situated with that, haha.

Until next time..

Well, that's pretty much it for my first entry. I'm thrilled to be back and look forward to making new friends on here and reading about everybody else's life! <3 Have a great weekend everybody.

- Amber <3
lithium layouts.

next entry: My LIFE in PICTURES :)

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Welcome back!!

[TTC_Bailey_Baby|0 likes] [|reply]

Yayyyyyy! I finally got you back.

I freaking love you <3

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back.

[just samma;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: UGH, I hate shitty supervisors. I turned one supervisor in for sexual harassment - the head manager? He said he was pretty sure the supervisor didn't mean it and that all he would do is make sure I didn't work with him alone. Thanks, dick. :|

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

P.S. welcomeeeeeee back. i'm gonna add you to my faves.

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

჻ೋ჻ Welcome back to Bloop ჻ೋ჻

[AshaliciousStar|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back!

[just love♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Well, I USED to own more socks then underwear. The dryer eats my socks alllll the time.

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: thanks

p.s. welcome back to bloop!

[sunday sex|0 likes] [|reply]

i added you

[just love♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Finally Baba. Jesus. xD

[love♥nikStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back to bloop! I friggen love the Cheesecake Factory. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.

[RaisingBeanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: thanks. she snuck in the kitchen and was petting him and loving on him. she's so silly. we just get worried that he's going to paw her, but he's actually really good about being around her.

i know, right? why the fuck do i care about your new escalade? they already have a loan out for like, 20 grand for hospital bills. they want to buy a house. now they bought an escalade? i think its funny. especially since her parents dig her out of holes ALL the time. ridiculous.

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Rottweiler. No doubt, he's protective. He's just also very playful. VERY playful. And we had a little boy that used to torment him on the other side of the fence so he used to just bark at little kids whenever they came near him and run away, lol. He's fine now, though. I'm just worried he's going to want to play & "paw" at her.

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back to Bloop! (: I don't remember any of those previous Bloop names you've had! ^^
Congratulations on getting a new job and to your brother for getting engaged! (:♥

[CrazyBellatrixStar|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Oh! *laughs* My memory never fails to, uh, fail me! P:
I have a new Facebook. -my other Facebook got owned so I had to get a new one *sighs*
Yay! I'll add you back and I'll add you to my friends list so you can see my entries P:♥

[CrazyBellatrixStar|0 likes] [|reply]

btw..I'm getting so impatient waiting on blink182 to release that album that supposedly is in the works..I was so excited when I first heard they would be getting back together, but a product of that seems unlikely to arrive.

and ryc, yes, it would have been so awesome to have a house already. But, not under those terms. Doesn't help things much when he most likely wanted us to live there so he could have the grandchild to himself, and he would have encouraged us to not visit Ben's mom..

However, we do have a goal in mind. We are used to living on one income primarily, as I've been stay at home mom until recently a part time job fell into my lap and I took it on a whim. So, once Alex starts school, I'll be full time somewhere, and every penny I make will be put back and we will pretend we don't have it. In 5 years, we'd have enough for a down payment on a really nice place, and in 5 more, we'd be able to pay it off, from my wages alone. If my husband could help, it would be possible, but not likely to be paid off in 5 years, but I count on him to keep up with the bills. Worst case, if we work hard and are disciplined, we could pay off our house when I am 35-36, which sounds pretty good to me. However, now, I'm also thinking of a set up with a land contract. If we could buy land first and slowly work to get everything set up, as far as septic and uncle got a build a home kit from lowes..I'd never heard of that, but he said it was cheaper than buying a home, and it's beautiful...

anyway, I won't ramble on about my goals lol it just gets me excited thinking we could pull this off on our own..

[UnauthorizedStar|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: I'm trying to decide whether I want to buy $120 sunglasses or save it for a phone next week.... UGH!

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

AMBERRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Do you remember me?? I hope so

[already gone.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

hey baby sis! i loooove you!

[oops i went glam|0 likes] [|reply]

next entry: My LIFE in PICTURES :)

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