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i blinked 182.'s Diary
by i blinked 182.

previous entry: My LIFE in PICTURES :)

next entry: What a freakin' day.

Please don't let my nerves get the best of me. *edit*


last day

Hey guys So today was my last day at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I've been working there for a total of three years, and the best word to describe the feeling of today is bittersweet. It feels great that I'm going to be getting out of there and starting a new job and meeting new people, along with making more money. But at the same time, I'm definitely sad. I'm really going to miss Jeremy (my boss/friend) and Jenn (my co-worker/friend). We really are the A-Team Jenn gets me through all of my days at work, especially the rough ones, and it's just going to be hard not seeing her face every day. She's such a dork. Arghh I love that loser! She gave me a hug before she left and said we better hang out ASAP. I hope we get to soon!

Jeremy also gave me a hug, told me he loved me, thanked me for everything, and said "Good luck, I wish you the best!" He also texted me a couple of hours ago basically saying the same thing but adding, "I'm a little bitter though " Haha. I definitely feel like over the years the three of us have become a family, dealing with other people's crap and always having to pick up the slack, working our asses off, ugh. It's just hard leaving such amazing people, but I gotta look out for myself and start to move on with my own life.

I'm definitely going to miss my customers too I had a lot of people give me hugs and wish me luck, said that they're going to come visit me. I hope they do! I've met so many sweet people there! Ahhh. Like I said, bittersweet.


* Edit * : So after all of the nerves and excitement, I went to work today only to find out they didn't have a trainer there to train me..haha. What a waste of a drive! But I ended up getting my shoes and doing my direct deposit, so at least I got that out of the way. My first day is TOMORROW. There better be a trainer there! Lol. I asked him about the standby shifts and he said it's when it says "baketea" under "Location". The only day I have that is for Friday at 9:30 am, so I'll have to call and see if I'm coming in or not.

The drive wasn't an entire waste though, I had to go buy white tank tops to wear under my work shirt (Bakery has to wear all white), and went to Victoria's Secret to get underwear and a white bra. I hate having to wear all white! My pants got dirty so quickly today! And the employees park in a dirt parking lot, so that doesn't help, haha. Oh well. * End Edit *

Tomorrow is my first day at The Cheesecake Factory! I'm so damn nervous and excited. I just want it to be over so I can see how it feels, lol. I hate this empty pit in my stomach! So far I know my schedule until Febraury 1st. The only thing is the scheduling is online and it only says what time I start, not the time I get off. So I'll have to ask about that. Tomorrow I work at 10:30 am, Sunday is 8:30 am, Monday is 10:30 am, Wednesday is 5:00 pm, Thursday is 10:30 am, Friday is 9:30 am, Saturday is 10:30 am and then Monday, Feb 1st is 10:30 am. So far that's a pretty cool schedule. Definitely will love getting to sleep in compared to being up at 5 am or earlier for Coffee Bean!

One thing I have to ask about is the standby shifts. I'm pretty sure the General Manager said at the orientation if the schedule has a "1" next to it it means you're on standby, and you would have to call in that day to see if they need you. My shifts next Friday, Saturday and Monday say "Bake 1", so I'm not sure if that means those are guaranteed days and if I have to call and see if I'm working. I can't remember if those were his exact words though, soo..another question I'll be asking tomorrow, lol.

I'm just afraid I'm going to mess up, drop a cheesecake on my first day, ugh I can only imagine.. It's pretty cool the way the schedule works though, since it's online you can look at what shifts people need covered and click "Pick up shift". So I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a good amount of hours! I guess everything is up in the air and I'll just have to wait and see!


I really hate the first few weeks before school starts, all of that money spent on books. Laaaaame. I'll be getting my financial aid the first week of school, but I really don't want to use much of it because I need to save up for a car! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be renting my textbooks online like I did for one of the books last semester. It was around $30 for 3 months and all you had to do was return it in fair condition. It worked out great, and I can only imagine how much money it will save me!

That's another thing I'm nervous about, taking 4 classes and working full time. I know many other people do it but fuuuuck. It's not a good time! Haha.

On another note, some idiot almost ran me over today. I went to get my nails done and the nail place I go to only has like 4 parking spots, so I usually just park across the street at the grocery store and walk over there. Anyway, I was walking out of the nail shop and was going to cross the street (there's a crosswalk there but it doesn't have a light, it's just one of those 'in the middle of the street' crosswalks that can be dangerous), and the people going one way had stopped for me, so I started crossing. I saw that the car going the opposite way had stopped, so I continued walking. And I didn't think there was another car coming, even though I couldn't even see over the van that had stopped and my hair was in my face, so I kept walking and I just heard all of this honking and I stopped and then this car just zoomed right by me. He had to be going 50 mph in a 35, and I was just in shock. I was so close to getting hit! It amazes me that a person is driving and doesn't think to stop at a crosswalk when they see another car stopped in the other lane. Helloooooo. Anyway, I just shook my head and kept walking. I gotta say it felt pretty good when a bunch of cars kept honking at him after he had passed me, haha. What a loser.

It feels weird not having to wake up so early tomorrow and being able to stay up late tonight..I feel cool. Haha, I'm such a nerd. Well, that's it for this entry. I know, probably the most boring entry ever Have a good weekend everyone!



layout by lithium layouts.

previous entry: My LIFE in PICTURES :)

next entry: What a freakin' day.

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Jesus Christ Baba. Fucking dumbass. That's insane.

You'll do fine at the Cheesecake factory. Obviously.

[love♥nikStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah, I'm sure he felt retarded after he got hassled by all the honks, lol. I'm pretty sure it scared the crap out of everyone who watched it too, not just me! Haha.

Thanks love I sure hope so <3

[i blinked 182.|0 likes] [|reply]

i worked at my last job for four years. it was really tough saying goodbye to everyone there. i ended up crying on my last day lol. you will do great at your new job! don't be nervous ugh some people shouldn't even be driving out there!

[crazybeautiful;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Omfg, they actually STOP for you? No one here ever stops for non-lighted/stop signed crosswalks. You pretty much get to play frogger.

I may try renting textbooks next semester. I'm at the wire with my money this semester, so I don't have time to wait to rent them I start classes wednesday, and my money should be in Monday. Lovely couple of days I have. Where do you rent from?

I say you should come to school here! There's dorms and stuff at my school It's a really good school!! Promise! GO LOOK! Lots of jobs and stuff on campus too, which is awesome! And well, there's me. Which is obviously the best selling feature.

That pick up shift thing is kinda cool. It's also nice to know when you're on standby. I've had so many jobs where you go in, and they send you home. That's so annoying, omfg.

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That must be so strange to leave somewhere you've been working for so long! O: And missing people isn't nice- but at least you'll get to meet up with the people you like (:

It's good that you'll be making more money at your new job and I'm sure you'll meet lots of nice people there- and make new friends too!

Don't worry! Your first day will go great! Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself! And don't worry about mistakes! (:

Good luck!♥

[CrazyBellatrixStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I wish I could get a bad ass job. The jobs here suck. :|

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

pfft. If I win the lottery it would be just enough to pay OFF my school debt :|

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i remember leaving my job that i worked at for 5 years lol it was crazy but a good feeling.

[Ms. Lady Burt|0 likes] [|reply]

Well, I decided against it because it's ALLLLL electrical. So, if something goes wrong, the whole thing is pretty much screwed and I don't have that type of money to sink into another car.
The Kia is SOOOOOO gorgeous. I'm really happy and excited.

Yeahh I know she's the best! YAY I'm so happy about the new lap top. Mine sucks ASSSSS!

Lol what kind did you get?

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm not.. I just decided to make it friends only.
People don't understand, there are always ways around shit. Even if I was screwin' a teacher or a school admin.. There are ALWAYS ways to scrap buy quickly.
I made that last entry to apologize and explain myself and everyone just came bashing me down even more...
I have too many things going on in my personal life to worry about these people thinking they know everything...

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: My LIFE in PICTURES :)

next entry: What a freakin' day.

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