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The Rat Maze Wall
by Awakened

previous entry: If I Die Young

next entry: Steve Jobs Passed Away; His Work and Lesson

Extreme Contrast in How People React to My Work


When it comes to people's responses to my different areas of work, it's very interesting.  At my side job teaching workshops and tutoring at the college, my experience there is somewhat representative of my experiences with all the jobs I've had in the past.

You got people at a much higher rank than me asking me for advice.  You also have people at lower ranks and know a lot asking me for advice. 

However, you also have a few people at lower ranks and who don't know much (including the rookies) who resist the simplest thing I say.  It's really strange that some people already have concluded (possibly subconsciously) in their heads that I don't know what I am talking about even before I finish saying what I need to say.  Thank God these people are few (at least at this point).  I noticed that there are more of them when I was new to the department (when people didn't know me or my work yet.)

The meeting yesterday was a perfect example.  I usually like to be the sponge in these meetings and absorb everybody's ideas and process these ideas for possible use later on.  Yesterday, I only made one simple suggestion which I didn't think would draw opposition or debate. 

Here's what went on.  The discussion went to the topic of how to help the student (in one-on-one tutoring) when they have all these great ideas coming out of their mouth, but they can't write much when you tell them to write their ideas down.  One suggestion is to write down the student's ideas as she speak - like a secretary or a transcriber.  Then show the student their idea.

As a person who really tries to promote self-sufficiency in students, I've asked students when they have plenty to say but little to write, "Do you have a voice recorder or a voice recording function on your iPhone?"  I would have them record while they tell me all their great ideas.  Then I tell them, "Okay, now play back the recording and type up everything that came out of your mouth."

I shared this at the meeting, and I was surprised that even this simple practice would draw oppositions from a low ranking instructor.  However, my boss who is a higher ranking professor who knows more than anyone at that meeting immediately thought that my practice was a good idea.  Because of her approval, no one expressed further opposition.

It's really strange people (usually those who don't know me, and those who don't know much themselves) already have a preconceived notion that I don't know what I am talking about, for whatever reason (whether it is because I look young or because I am Asian American.  Really, I think if the same simple ideas came out of a tall white guy, they would not draw oppositions.

By the way, the argument against my ideas was, "There's a privacy issue.  Student's don't want to be recorded." 

First of all, they are recording with their own device.  Secondly, if they tell me they are not comfortable with it, I would say, "Okay, that's fine."  It's that simple.  But I guess if you come with the subconscious preconceived notion that any ideas coming out of my mouth are wrong before I even finish speaking, then it's not so simple for you to understand.

THIS IS WHY I PREFER TO STAY A SPONGE IN THAT MEETING TO GET IDEAS FROM OTHERS (WHICH ARE GREAT) AND SAVE MY ENERGY FROM TALKING (especially when the simplest thing I say would absurdly draw such vehement opposition.)

Fortunately, there are enough people in that room who has worked with me (without the preconceived bias) to immediately understand what I was talking about.

There are colleagues including those higher ranking than me who wonder what I do or how I do certain things to produce certain results and responses in students.  For the longest time, I mostly don't share (to avoid being frustrated by the colleagues who are biased.)  This side job is not worth the frustration of the ignorant people with preconceived bias.  I will go back to just not sharing my ideas, unless asked and I feel that the person asking is sincere.

The reaction from that biased colleague yesterday reminds me to stick to this policy of mine.

previous entry: If I Die Young

next entry: Steve Jobs Passed Away; His Work and Lesson

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Gosh, I think that mix of people exists in any area of life! I find often the reason people stay 'low rank' and don't climb the career ladder is precisely because they're so focused on what could go wrong that they don't take risks or look for solutions.

And gosh, how on earth is it a privacy issue if it's the student's own recording device which they are taking away with them? The only person's privacy being compromised is your own, if you're also talking - so the student would have to ask your permission before recording. In the UK, students with various disabilities are often given voice recorders as part of their disabled student allowance, and this is precisely one way in which they are useful, because a lot of dyslexic students find it easier to talk their ideas before writing them.

[puck-a-doodle-dooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Thank you for your comment. I haven't much experience with dyslexic students, but it's good to know this method works for them too.

[Awakened|0 likes] [|reply]

Privacy issue? Hardly. Who are these fools you're working with and how did they get hired?

[sheela-na-gig|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks for responding to my writing. I wander the same - Who is this fool I'm working with? What's more frustrating is that she had such an attitude of arrogance when she was vehemently opposing my idea? Anyway, thank God I don't really have to deal with her, except for attending the same meetings.

[Awakened|0 likes] [|reply]

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