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A Break From Reality
by A Smoke of Whispers

previous entry: Merry Christmas!

next entry: these past ten months

an open mind


Christmas was interesting to say the least. I spent the day at my mothers with Parker, Aaron, and Natti. My mom asked me again why I have no boyfriend. It seemed to be the topic of the day. *eyeroll* Parker then took his opportunity to tease me too. I had told him the other day about Cunningham. Of course it slipped out. Mom always liked him. She seemed excited.

We spent the day gabbing about, opening presents, drinking wine. I decided to go play with Natti a while in the other room. Mom was becoming unbearable. Natti's awesome. She's 8 going on 40. She's a great little artist, and we spent a lot of the day coloring in coloring books and talking about life. She opened up to me about something she hasn't told her dad yet. She knows my job as a ghost hunter, and told me she sees and hears things all the time when she comes over to grandmas. My mom's house has been in the family for about a hundred years. It's gone through some renovations in its time, but for the most part the foundation and the framework is still the same. She told me there was a man in the room with us at that moment. Just sitting in the chair watching us. I asked her if she was scared of him, and she told me no. He seemed pretty happy.

My niece is psychic.

It's not that Parker doesn't have an open mind to these things. He just has a slight fear. I told her if she ever wants to tell her dads, it'll be okay. And if she wants me there with them, I will. She told me she's always seen the ghost in my apartment. He seemed young like me. She called me young. I love her. lol. He has blonde hair and wears a white shirt with brown pants. I can't lie. I got the chills. One day I have to get Cal to do some research on my apartment building. I'm surprised I've never done it before. Maybe when she's old enough, I can take her on a few investigations. I wonder if her dads would let me. It's not that we never considered having a psychic with us. We just can't use them as actual evidence. But perhaps gaining some insight into their old lives may help.

When it was time for Parker, Aaron, and Natti to go, I decided to head out too. It was getting dark, and I was getting tired.

When I got home, I wished my ghost a Merry Christmas, and told him about what Natti said. I didn't seem to get any reaction this time. Every once in a while, I hear knocking when I talk to him.

previous entry: Merry Christmas!

next entry: these past ten months

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[TheHighlander|0 likes] [|reply]

It's amazing how some kids are just more mature, more thoughtful, caring and understanding compared to their jaded elders

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

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