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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: It was the night before Passover *poem

next entry: Disneyland *poem

628 is it may yet 4 24 04


628 is it may yet 4 24 04

Hmm I think I should write since I got a few hours of quiet time

John’s date
My best friend John, the one who got a divorce last year and has two kids… He has spent most of his reintegration to single life, sleeping with random women. I know about them all in some details because he calls me between 1-3AM when he’s on his way home, to tell me about them. However, after taking this one lady out to dinner and dessert, took her to a cigar bar even though she doesn’t smoke. John charmly got her to smoke a small flavored cigar and she enjoyed it. After that they went back to her place and had sex. At this time, he was hooking up with a women from NH and went on a date with a woman who’s family owns a dough shop that John is a frequent visitor and has been for most of his life… but this other lady went out with John again. I learned she was a lawyer and has to eat gluten free(GF), like my mom so John being the caring person he can be when he wants to, looked up restaurants who are GF friendly and took her to those places.
I got a call Tuesday about 1pm… I’ll skip over the part which shows John’s jerk side, even though he took it to an extreme, he asked me if I wanted to go out with him and Lauren to Su Changs. I was excited, I was going to meet his new gf. I did email him a bit later and said “did you mean Oyes? I don’t thing Su Chang is GF” he said yes. So John picked me up and we met Lauren at the restaurant. She was at the bar because she’s a big Bruins fan and the B’s are in the playoffs. So we ended up eating in the bar. Oh, on the way in, John said to me “do we want to take bets if she’ll wave to you?” he laughed and I just shook my head. Introductions aside, and no she didn’t wave, and although I have seen all sides of John, I saw a side I rarely see, a talkative, upbeat, charming John. Aka he was happy. He was good about keeping us both in the conversation. However, he managed to always talk about himself somehow in each story. She told me a few stories of when he visited her at work. I heard a story of him leaving bread crumbs behind when he sleeps over. Told a story about how he got her a pair of shoes and they were in Boston and some woman walked up to them on the street and said she loves those sneakers, how does she like them. John was impressed that she “learned” how to point out the good things about the sneakers. John told a few stories to her about being with me and my family. John showed his jerk side a lot and she laughed. She has the same stupid sense of humor so that’s good for him. She ordered her GF food and John ordered for us and said to the bar tender “she is selfish, she doesn’t share” she laughed and I was like… WTF? In side. She’s not GF by choice. So I thought that was a very jerkish thing to say but like I said, she laughed. Gosh, this is pretty long already. So hmm John paid for dinner and turned to me and said you’re paying for ice cream. We went in John’s car, all of us, and went to an ice cream shop. The caring John read me the 5 or so flavors he knows I would like and skipped over the ones I wouldn’t. He saw they had slush. He asked if they had grape, the guy said they didn’t but will get it in next week. John said ok, I’ll wait. And Just stood there for a long quiet moment when the guy said what else could I get you? … I gave John a $20. He lead me to a table and went back to get the ice cream. He said that they have candy here and when I was done with my ice cream, he wanted to give me a candy to figure it out. Lauren and John were talking about it but I figured it out way before he gave it to me. He said he wanted me to put 3 in my mouth at once. I said (for the second time that night) sure, I’d do any for you. I ended up putting two in my mouth and said “I KNEW IT!” it was warheads.
We stayed there for about 20 minutes chatting, well, John doing most of the talking. We drove back to the restaurant and dropped her off at her car. I said my bye and she did too. John said to her, after a kiss, I will see you in a little bit. John drove me home, nothing much was said, I told him before I got out that she’s nice and appreciates your stupid sarcasm, and that I was happy for him. He thanked me for coming out with him tonight.

Other’s dates
Ok, I know for the last 22 years I’m the friend that people come to, to tell me all their both good and bad stories when it comes to relationships-dating. I feel special being that person. I try not to let it get to me when people talk about sex things, but it’s difficult since it’s been many years since I’ve had it and people make it seem so easy to get sex. It’s even more difficult when you hear about sex things or even just dating stories, when I wish I was the person they were talking about. I wish I was the one who they were giddy about going out on a date with or who they had a 3some with or they had amazing earth shattering orgasmic sex with.
It’s especially difficult when one of the people is my friend Kayci who I’m visiting in MN. I’m thrilled she has a date Friday night but I’m sad for me. The other person is Dominique, the lady I reconnected with last month after 10 years of not talking. She’s making all these plans for me to come out to visit her next year in Arizona, so far she has me visiting for a week to do everything she’s planning. She tells me today she has a date Saturday night. She’s excited about it. I’m happy for her but once again, I’m sad for me.
It’s not like I’m not trying. I was chatting with a lady on okcupid all day Sunday, Monday I tried to chat but only got one word responses so thought if she wants, she can contact me. I’ don’t like one word responses after a day of conversations and she didn’t write me back.
And both Kayci and Dominique more so Dominique, have random sex. I’m happy their getting theirs but I wish I was that person.

Atlanta May 2-4
I’ll be there for about 48 hrs. I’m going to hang out with two on line friends both separately and together. It’s strange how well it all worked out. We’re going to a Braves game both nights I’m there. I’m also going to the Coke Factory and some famous restaurant, I have to ask what the name is again.

Dallas May 10-14
Baseball tickets are in hand. I promised I’d take Lisa to Olive Garden for dinner since her husband doesn’t like it there. We’re also doing our little adventure which I’m keeping my poker face on about but she isn’t doing so well…I think she told her mom, her cousin and at least 1 other friend I know about. Besides that, we’ll hang out by the pool. It will be relaxing-fun.

Minnasota 14-17
Baseball tickets are in hand. I do want to buy her a t-jersey of her favorite player. I like surprising people.
I know we’re going to spend a day at the Mall of America and to the “sculptured garden” but not sure what else we’ll do. We’re sharing a hotel room but as much as I would love for something to happen I wouldn’t put a dollar on it.

Right now it’s just chaos. I’m trying to keep things as normal as I can, as routine as I can for the clients but it’s very difficult when you have people not doing their jobs or doing it half-ass. I have no one to complain to since the person who is overseeing the house is overseeing two houses and I only saw him 2 times in the 4 weeks ? once when he was introduced to the residents and yesterday during a IAP meeting for a client. I’m just trying to ride it out but it’s frustrating.

previous entry: It was the night before Passover *poem

next entry: Disneyland *poem

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Well I think traveling will do you some good!

[Simply*Carlise|0 likes] [|reply]

P.S. Dominique, late Thursday night:
So I need your help though
Out what I wear Saturday
Yes that was my plan so I will describe and your decision is final for what I wear
Cause they aren't girly and I talk to you more so I will leave it up to you
Ok so I'm gonna give lots of details cause it makes it fun since you can technically see them. so dress number one, I bought three years ago and was gonna be the dress I wore to go out with him then. It's a halter dress above the knees. White background with green and black flowers. It pleats at the skirt part so is very flowy. Black heels would be worn like 6 inch ones. Downside is no bra cause halter so I'll be pulling up my boobs all night
Ok dress number two I bought in Disneyland this month. It's yellow, purple, green in pastel in layers like tie dye. It's above the knees but my upper back is exposed then a little fabric to cover my bra strap and then another open area on my lower back. The skirt is slightly flowing but straight so I kinda feel fat. Nude heels. Downside is my shoes don't match as much as I would like and not that high also my boobs are gonna be popping out.
ME: Remember, I'm just a stupid guy...what's a halter? The strapless ones?
Halter ties at the neck so your back is exposed
I would defanately go with the first one. The second more sounds like something to be worn at a party or to a bar. The first one sounds like it fits you better, you have the shoes that would match. IF you want him to have access to your boobs it's easier to get to. I personally love the open back and the only down side to it is the no bra part, which could be annoying, but I guess if you tie it tight? IDK ... so what do you think of my assessment? You got ear rings to match? And wearing your hair down and back so it cflows back and down your back... and a bit of make up and damn, you'll be HOT

Curling my hair, mickey earrings, and I trust you so I will go with that
Of course I trust you and I like it cause you don't judge based on how you feel I look
ME: I appreciate the trust sosos that was fun
I know I'm glad I asked now
ME: So what time is the date? ... do you have-wear dif types of perfumes? Or do you only have one?
Oh shit I didn't think about perfume! Good call I'll have to see what I have. You gave me some once that I loved then it ran out lol
I'm dropping baby off with X around 745 then going to his house and then staying the night
For my birthday I remember what it looked like. I never really wear perfume though so that's why I didn't think about it
No idea let me look up bottle
Nope not it
ME: Oo hehe, I wont text you Sat night till you text me Sunday I don’t want to interrupt anything
No you better say morning and good night. I'll tell you how it goes though. I'll come home early Saturday morning to help my mom with a garage sale and then Sunday to watch the baby. I know it's weird I'm staying the weekend but I've known him so long and I've stayed before It doesn't feel weird
The more I spend time with him the more I like him and feel stupid for x not to say me and him will end up together

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

I wonder if he's having random sex and being a jerk because he's still recovering from the divorce? It could be a deep down thing and maybe he's doing all this to make him feel like a man or something? I know Mitch told me that back in the day, when he dealt with a breakup he would try to find a replacement or go to strip clubs or whatever and try to hook up with people. I think it's a rebound mechanism.

[Mrs. Evans|0 likes] [|reply]

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