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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Lasts & Currents

next entry: Randoms.

Update + Survey


I hadn't realized it had been SO LONG since I came on here to do a few surveys! I went back to work full-time in December 2011 after a wonderful almost 2 years home, one of those pregnant, and the other one with my adorable little son, Kai. Time has flown! Unfortunately, in May 2012 I had a severe stroke (at the age of 23 years old) which left me paralyzed on my entire left side of my body (no motion with my face/tongue, arms, legs, hands/fingers, feet/hands). I learned that I have a hole in my heart and a weak septum that allows blood to pool/clot in one of the chambers then slip through the hole and go to my brain instead of to my lungs where clots are usually filtered. I spent a little under a week in the hospital then a month in outpatient rehabilitation/physical therapy. LUCKILY I was rushed to the hospital and recieved excellent medical care so I am still alive today with NO residual side effects from the stroke. I am back to normal, except I am a little dislexic sometimes, and I'm incredibly emotional. I am looking at options to repair the congential hole in my heart. The only REAL option is open heart surgery and I'm not really looking forward to that... UGH! I was very fortunate that my office/doctor (I'm a dental assistant) kept me employed there even though I had only been there 7 months when my stroke happened. I returned to work one month to the day after my stroke. My most recent health crisis is that I developed MRSA in a knee wound I have. It's being treated but I am on "light duty". I work two jobs... one as a dental assistant, the other is just on Saturdays and I'm doing reception/Admin at my friend's business (a doggy daycare). It's not the best job in the world but Devon & my focus this year is to pay off medical debts and credit card debts and she really needed the help of someone she could trust... so here I am. Devon is my boyfriend of 3 years/the father of my son. I think he's going to propose soon but I can't pinpoint anything to really prove it or not... either way I love the man very much and I am so glad that I have him and had him by my side when I was "disabled."

The way to win your heart?
Be a man. A real man. Be Devon, basically.

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Before I had a stroke I was... now I can't keep my emotions in check for the life of me.

Do your initials spell out a word?
KAB! When Devon and I get married I'll be KAY!

Where is the last place you went to eat?
Burger King

Have you bought any clothing items in the past week?
Nope, trying to save money for things I need!

Where is the last place you went shopping?
Grocery Store.

How old will you be in 8 months?

Do you prefer a call or a text?
Generally a text... some people I prefer to call though.

How long is your hair?

What were you last listening to?
Some Gary Allen song is on now...

Do you like anyone now?
I love my boyfriend.

What did you have for breakfast?
An english muffin.

What instant messaging service do you use?
Text messaging...

Do you swear a lot?
Fuck no

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
Someone @ work.

Do you trust people?
Not in general.

Who was the first person you talked to today?

previous entry: Lasts & Currents

next entry: Randoms.

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Oh wow, that's horrifying!! I am so sorry that you had to go through all that, especially at such a young age! You must have been terrified. I hope that you can get open heart surgery, although that is a pretty big thing, too. Wow. I really hope that you are doing okay these days. And welcome back Glad to hear you have a good boyfriend who is supportive of you, too.

[SugarNSpice Surveys|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through! And so relieved for you that you bounced back so quickly. I can't even imagine how terrifying that must've been for you and your family.

[Survey Sweetheart|0 likes] [|reply]

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