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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn

next entry: SUPER short.



From Nickie!

I changed my diary name - I don't do surveys from work anymore.

Do you believe you can find home in a person? Yes and no. You can find comfort in a person, and home is where you "should" feel most comfortable.

What was the worst part of your day? I didn't really have a bad part. It was actually another really good day.

What was the best part of your day? Spending time with my gypsy!

What was the last thing you drank? Orange juice with my iron pill.

Who last texted you? Alyssa.

What was the last TV show you watched? Uhmmm I'm not sure, we've been watching movies on TV all day.

If you could be given any CD right now, which would it be? Don't really care.

What are your favorite pair of shoes? Lately my Nike sandals! They have arch support for my aching feet.

Have you ever had a guy friend who everyone thought you were dating? Yeah.

What's happening in June that your really looking forward to? June is so far away! But hopefully I'll be finishing my second quarter of school!

What is one thing you want? I want Kai to come at 38 weeks and be completely healthy!

If you could erase any part of your past, what would it be? Nope.

Would you ever go on a mission trip? No because I'm not religious

Is there anyone you wish would just leave your mind? Nope.

What was the last thing you bought at the mall? Maternity pants <3

What was the last song you heard? Heck if I know!

Who is your fave American Idol judge? I've never watched AI

What's your view on Oprah? I don't care.

Obama? I, again, don't care.

Lady Gaga? Blah blah blah.

Do you like health food stores? I don't not like them...

When was the last time you worked out? HAHAHAHA. December before I got pregnant.

Are you looking forward to tomorrow? Sure. It's Sunday.

Are you wearing a bracelet on your left hand? Nope.

When was the last time you went to Dairy Queen? August 19th for Jimmy's birthday.

Are you subscribed to any magazines? Nope

Do you write creatively? Nope.

Can you play guitar? Guitar HERO!

Do you read regularly? Yes, about a book every 2 weeks.

Are you a liar? I lie sometimes, but it's not a habit.

What is your second language, if any?

Did you ever play those Carmen Sandiego computer games? Nope.

Do you know of Poreotics? The ABDC?

Do you like Katy Perry? Yes.

Have you ever prank called somebody? LONNNNNNNNNNG time ago.

Are there any accents you can do perfectly? Nope, I'm horrible.

Coloured skinny jeans. Yay or nay? NAY.

Do you sponsor a child? Nope.

Do you like Alvin and the Chipmunks? Uhh sure.

Are you a 90s kid? *shrug*

Who is your favourite Simpsons character? Apu

Have you ever performed in a talent show? Yes.

Name one of the weirdest music videos you've ever seen: Anything Gaga.

Do you watch Shane Dawson? ???

Have you ever donated blood? Nope. I like my blood.

Do you even know what blood type you are? I'm O+. I had to ask Devon, haha.

Do you like the feeling of pins and needles? Nope.

Can you hear any animals outside? My goats are FLIPPING out right now.

Is there any school work you should be doing right now? Nope.

Tell me all the windows/tabs you have open. Just this one.

Have you ever bought anything from Hot Topic? Yes.

Do your pets annoy you often? Sometimes. Oliver likes to bark at nothing, the cat just is a psycho bitch, and my goats are attention whores.

Are your parents hypocritical? My father and step-mother, yes. My step-father is sometimes, and my mom is very rarely.

Do you have any clean clothes you need to put away? Nope, did all the laundry yesterday.

Tell me about the coolest pair of earrings you own? I only own pearl earrings, 3 different pairs: white, pink, and black. They're real, too.

Have you ever tried waxing or shaving 'down there'? I shave. I don't know if I could ever wax.

What posters do you have up in your bedroom? None.

Has anyone ever sent you majorly mixed messages? Oh yessssss.

True or false: You have an older brother. True.

Do you own any cassette tapes from way back? Nope.

Did you know that your ear lobes line up with your nipples? ...they don't.

When did you last have a Mars bar? I've never had one.

What do your parents do for a living? I don't even know what my dad does anymore. My mom works as a claims representative for an insurance company.

Does your internet connection play up often? Huh?

Do you try to exercise every day? I get some form of exercise.. but not "exercise". I walk Oliver, walk the mall, basically I just walk because that's all I can do being pregnant seeing as how I didn't work out before.

Describe the shirt you're wearing. It's a should-be oversized shirt that is getting too tight in the belly.

Do you have a twin? Nope.

Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Grass & seafood.

Is anyone close to you allergic to anything? If so, what? My brother is allergic to peanuts/most nuts in general.

Are there any songs that remind you of travelling when you were little? Nope.

Do you remember when you last saw a rainbow? A few days ago.

Name all the cars owned by your household: Hahahahahaha. Here goes: 1955 Chevy 5-window Truck [Mom & Jimmy], 1982 Toyota Celica [Mom & Jimmy], 1990-something VW Eurovan [Mom & Jimmy], 1988 Ford Bronco [Mom - was my sisters before she passed], 2003 Honda Civic [ME], 1990 Ford Mustang [Devon], 2002 Dodge Ram 1400 [Devon], and a 1990-something Oldsmobile Something [Uncle]. What is that, 8 cars between 5 people?!

Have you ever woken up and you couldn't feel your whole arm? How weird is that?! Yeah, it's annoying!!

What do you think of illegal immigrants? If you're illegal get the hell out of my country or become legal and start paying taxes!!!

What colour are your computer mouse and keyboard? I don't have a mouse since it's a laptop, the keyboard is black.

Do you watch any crime investigation TV shows? Fake ones.

Do you have any bruises on you? I'm sure.

Is there anything you need to be practicing for? Can't really practice what I have to do [labor].

crayon box

previous entry: Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn

next entry: SUPER short.

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LoL Good to know, I was wondering what survey diary this was.

I love the name Kai. I know someone who named their son that last year.

[Survey Sweetheart|0 likes] [|reply]

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