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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Semi-fun survey!

next entry: Still Alive... but with a child! :]

It's all about Sunday [not really]


Stolen from Chaz!

The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? We share the same bed.

Which is harder, telling someone you love them or that you don't? That you don't.

Who was the last person you got into a fight with? Uhhh I'm not sure. Too much drama for me!

Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? A few people.

How many windows are open on your computer? Just this one.

What are you doing after this? Going to sleep!

Where did you buy the shirt you are wearing? Target.

Do you like hugs? From some people... but in general: no.

Are you a loud person? I can be. Not very often though. I've calmed down a lot in the last few years. Kind of regressed into a shy person!

Do you have any piercings? Ears & had my belly button... I don't know if I'll put it back in, though.

How's your mood? It's... there. I'm kind of blank right now. Food coma.

Does everyone deserve a second chance? Not everyone, not every time.

Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate? Yes, but I don't necessarily believe it's sexual/romantic.

Have you ever had your heart broken? Little tears, but never a break.

Do you like anyone? I love someone.

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you? Nope, I'm happy with the one I'm with.

Baseball or football? Between the two I choose football.

Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? Yes.

Have you ever cried in front of a friend? Yeah...

Was middle school a bad experience for you? It wasn't a good one, that's for sure.

Are you cold, warm or just right at the moment? I'm warm. I'm always warm now. I hate it. I miss being cold!!!

Do you take any medication on a daily basis? Iron supplement and prenatal vitamins.

Have you ever faked sick? Yep.

Anything good happening tomorrow? I'm going to the doctor and he's going to check me to see if I've made any progress towards becoming a single-human body again!

Has anyone ever underestimated your intelligence? A lot of people have. I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I'm certainly not dumb. Although today I did tell my mom that Christopher Columbus came here and found the Pilgrims...

List one of your fears: Being a bad mom.

Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? Yes

Have you ever moved? If so, how many times? Yeah. Quite a few times.

Name two of your favorite colors: Hot pink & orange.

What hoodie did you wear last? Devon's Carhart one... it's the only one that fits over my belly.

Do you want to get married? I want to be married, I don't want to have a wedding.

Do you sleep on your stomach? I wish I could!! Only 9 days until Kai is due... so 19ish until it'll be comfortable again!

Are you ticklish? I am lately, but I wasn't before I got pregnant.

Are you someone who worries too often? I don't think I worry too much, but I do think I PLAN to worry too much.

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Never know!

Do you know a few people that smoke weed? A few people. Not too many anymore... except Devon's brother lol

Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? Yep.

What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching TV.

Has a boy/girl ever called you babe/baby? Yeah.

Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I know he does. He told me today. ♥

Are you afraid of roller coasters? No, I absolutely LOVE them.

What's the first letter of the boy's name you like? D

What's the one thing you're looking forward to the most? Having my son here!

What state would you like to live in? I love Washington!

What country would you visit? Australia.

What kind of dog do you want? I have the dog I want: Pomeranian. We do want to get a bigger dog, after we buy a house, so Kai can grow up around a bigger dog and not be scared of them. We're thinking Siberian Husky or a Chocolate/Yellow Lab

Do you already have a name for it? Nope, we won't until we actually have the dog!

Do you already have your kids names picked out? Kai Ohlen.

Do you think you'll find someone to marry you? I found someone to marry me. Now we just have to save up for the damn wedding HE wants...

Do you think you need to change something about yourself? Physically I have a lot to change. Mentally/emotionally there are things I can change... but I don't NEED to. I'm not a bad person, so it's not like I'm hurting anyone being the way I am.

What time is it right now? 9:15pm.

Do you think making out is slutty..even if it's with someone you just met? No! Unless you're in a relationship or making out with TONS of people.

Have you gone skinny dipping? Yes.

Would you go skinny dipping? Probably not again lol

What is your cell phone company? T-Mobile.

How old will you be in 2 years? 24.

Do you think you will be living at home with your parents still? I don't know. Maybe?! I don't mind being here. It helps my mom financially and it allows us to save for our son/wedding/house.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope.

Do you make wishes at 11:11? If I notice it.

Would you like to fall in love in the next year? I'm already in love!

What do you want to go to college for? My dental degree.

What woke you up today? Which time?! Kai kicking my bladder, Oliver needing to go outside, Devon leaving for work, Kai kicking my bladder...

The person you have feelings for shows up at your house, what do you do? Give him a kiss and a slap on the ass.

What are your plans for this weekend? It's my mom's birthday on Sunday, I'm making her dinner [chicken cordon bleu] and whatever kind of cake she wants! She still hasn't told me...

Have you done anything embarrassing lately? I peed my pants earlier, but that's because Devon walked into a door and I was laughing so hard that Kai kicked me in my bladder and made me pee!

Light hair or dark hair in the opposite sex? Dark. I love my man: Dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin.

What was your dream about last night? I had a few. A couple people beat me up, I was drowning, Kai was picking pumpkins, and Devon broke his toe at soccer.

Are you currently frustrated with a girl/boy? Nope.

Do you miss anyone? Yes.

How is your hair right now? It's straight & in a pony.

What is tomorrow? Wednesday.

What are you doing later? Watching Devon play video games then going to sleep.

Last person you rode in a car with? Devon.

Do you mind sleeping on the floor? In this house?! Oh yes, I mind. Wood floors = no fun!

So what's going on this week? Tomorrow is a doctor appointment, Thursday is nothing special, Friday we're going to see Jackass 3D, Saturday who knows, and Sunday is my mom's birthday.

Do you enjoy summer? Yes!

Can you imagine yourself getting married? Being married, yes; having a wedding... I guess I'll have to.

Do you have a phone? Yes...

Do you text your fingers off? Not anymore! I used to use upwards of 6,000 per cycle. This cycle I've used less than 1,800.

Do you watch the news? No, it either scares me or depresses me.

Will you talk to the person you like tonight? I'm talking to him right now.

Do you have a reason to smile right now? Always.

What do you do when you need to relax? Sleep!

If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first? Probably a water!

Who was driving the last car you were in? Me.

Who was the last person that texted you? Devon when he was on his way home.

What are you craving right now? Ugh, nothing. I'm so freaking full!

What's your favorite thing about Sunday? To me it's just another day. When I was working I loved sleeping in!

Have you cried today? Yes.

What bed did you sleep in last night? Ours.

crayon box

previous entry: Semi-fun survey!

next entry: Still Alive... but with a child! :]

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get a chocolate/yellow lab! Or do some research on the husky's pedigree...seriously....this stupid dog has put a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of my life. I can't look at huskies the same!

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