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My diary
by soimhere

previous entry: A first entry for my diary

next entry: My go-to dinner party conversation topics

I need to get more sleep!


This is crazy. I am telling myself I need to get to bed earlier. It's my own fault! I mean to get to bed early, but I just don't. I guess I want to stay awake as long as possible. But then I'm tired the next day, like now LOL. Things to remind myself:

  • I'll feel better the next day if I go to bed early
  • I should be a good friend to myself by going to bed early
  • It's not like I'm missing out on fun if I go to sleep early, it's like I'm gaining energy for the next day

Well that is great advice that I'm giving myself, but I'm not sure if I'll actually take the advice. If it was someone else I'd be like "C'mon! Just do what you said!" But when it's yourself, it's easy to ignore your own advice.

I definitely DO NOT want to get to the stage where I'm so tired that I can barely function and am grouchy. But this happens every week, especially toward the end of the week. Plus, I have a busy weekend coming up, so it's not like I can take a break then and do nothing or whatever. I mean, it's good stuff, plans with friends and family, but I mean I can't just fall asleep during all of that! So if I go to bed early tonight, I know that will help for the weekend. But will I do that? Who knows??

previous entry: A first entry for my diary

next entry: My go-to dinner party conversation topics

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