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U'szo' bolond vagyok!
by vatten mö

previous entry: And the academy award goe

next entry: Nov. 9, 2008 (forgotten e

Dec. 18, 2008


December 18, 2008 (Due to storms and a power outage, I was unable to post this that night.)

It is nearly 2am here and I'm on here typing an entry. What the heck is wrong with me? Haha. I guess you could say I'm dedicated to "blooping".

No, I'm not going to bed tonight because I played hooky today and didn't go to my housekeeping job. I have to do it tomorrow instead. I also have to go to the bank to deposit money and get stamps so I can pay rent and mail off another bill. I meant to get that done Monday but the weather intervened the night before. I woke up to about 3/4 inch of ice...a solid sheet of ice at that. Ergh.

I was a bum for most of the day. I plan on finding things to do around the house (that NEED done) to pass away the night. I have already done my stack of dishes (about a month's worth of dishes--keep in mind that I hardly ever eat at home due to being on the run too much). I have also vacuumed my rugs, folded my laundry and put it away (it NEEDED it BADLY, haha), and made my bed. I have been sleeping on the couch the past week or more. I started the washer tonight so I could have clean clothes at work (BK) tomorrow (aka...later today, haha). I wrote out a list of people to make ornaments for.

Most of the people on that list are family and they won't actually receive the ornaments. I'm going to make them for my own tree. I plan on "memorializing" my whole family using ornaments. After all, Christmas is all about family, isn't it? I have plenty of time to make those before next year.

If any of you want an ornament this year, you'll have to let me know. Some of you are already on the list, by the way. They will be late...I can guarantee that, but at least I'll know to put you on the list. Haha.

My cousin Danielle called me again tonight. We only talked for a few minutes on the phone. When she heard that I had Keri's (my sister) phone number, she got all excited and wanted to talk to Keri suddenly. I was forgotten like "dust in the wind" very quickly. Haha. It didn't hurt my feelings. I know that Keri and Danielle have always been closer than I was to Danielle. I'll just talk to Danielle some other time. No big deal.
Danielle did say that she'd like my laugh (my quick and amused "chuckle" at that) to be her ring tone. How odd is that? I know I don't have an odd laugh when it comes to THAT version. It is when I start to honk like a goose or snort (due to uncontrollable mirth and minor breath supply) that it sounds odd. Or when I cackle like a witch with amusement (and an ornery twinkle in my eye)...but that is only when I make it sound like that on purpose. Haha.

I think I'm going to work on my friend Yvette's Christmas gift and my grandparents' gift tonight. If I'm able to work it out, I found a myriad of pictures with the New York skyline in the background and I'd like to make a creative collage with them for Yvette. She has a NY decorating theme in her apartment. If I can't do it (because I normally suck at collages, haha), I'm going to digitally give her the pictures for a screen saver on her computer.
For my grandparents, I'm going to type up and present them with one of my elementary age stories. Grandma is the reason I have them to share because she saved them from when I was in 2nd/3rd grade. They are quite amusing to read.

I cannot afford to buy gifts for ANYONE this year, in case you were wondering. Plus, I like making gifts for people. That way I can personalize them better and they mean more. Besides, Christmas is not all about the commercialism. It is about Christ's birth, first and foremost, then about being with family. I don't even know if I will be able to go home for Christmas. So far, my work schedule looks okay but I won't know for sure until next Wednesday/Thursday. I know that is cutting it short but it is the best I can do. If the work schedule works out, then the weather needs to also cooperate. Enough said.

I have to do 2 of my jobs tomorrow. I also have to go the store and bank. I am going into Joyce's (housekeeping) in the morning. I have to be at work at BK at 5pm and won't get off of work until 3am. That means that, with no sleep under my belt, I will be going nearly 2 days straight. I should be ready to sleep after working at BK. I will have to work with Patrice at BK though. Please pray that I don't hurt her or lose patience with her. She tries my every nerve sometimes. She is a nice lady but we have different views on what "working" entails...and she is the manager so I have to listen to her. Enough said.

Today was my friend Mary's birthday. Imagine that, someone named Mary born during the month of December...the month we celebrate Jesus' birth. Who was Jesus' mom, hmm...any takers?

My electricity went out for a second time tonight. Stupid weather. It's a good thing that I had backup battery power on my laptop. I would've lost almost all of this entry otherwise.

Well, I ought to go work on something rather than randomly typing words that make random sentences here on bloop. Haha.

Please keep Samantha and her family in your prayers as she drives across the country while all this extreme weather is going down...and for patience through the experience.

Talk to all of you good people later.--Robyn

previous entry: And the academy award goe

next entry: Nov. 9, 2008 (forgotten e

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