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Take your troubles solo.
by i ask & you smile.

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a small update for those of you who still would like to


well.. i don't update this thing!
i moved in with corey. in kent! it was way too stressful living with the girls and i hated it and i was always at coreys anyways... our place is really nice. very cozy.
we have a next door neighbor with a three legged dog and a little girl that's probably about 13. she's adorable and sits outside when she knows i'm coming to say hi to me. lol i just wanna hang out with her.
we also have a creepy neighbor, but he's moving out and his door is open and i can smell the ciggerettes from upstairs! yuck.

i also found out that a girl i used to be friends with (and stopped because i was a dumb 14 year old.. and she was dumber) moved to washington and freakin lives in puyallup! where i went to highschool. i really can't believe it. we've been talking alot and the only thing that still gets under my skin is that she dated matt e... after i did. ugh, i don't know why that still gets to me! i totally forgot about it until last night. speakin of matt.. he called me at freakin the break of midnight last night. he's crazy. i just called him "sorry i have to get ready for racketball class".. jeez matthew..

i feel stressed.

i found out what makes me so not myself... moody and irritated all the time and bloated feeling.. MY BIRTH CONTROL. when i'm not on it, i'm not sad, not depressed, don't want to just sit in my room by myself. i don't know what to do about it because obviously i have to be on it. i got on the ring thinking maybe that would make it less severe, but it's the same plus i don't want to do it as much cause i gotta get it out. siick. ugh.

it's super foggy and i was watching the news and it said it was pollution? that's disgusting.

my apartment is awesome.
my classes... stressful. so much homework, shoot me now!

oh and also, i couldn't be more excited for obama. i sat at my desk in a towel and watched cause i didn't wanna miss it. the prayer brought tears to my eyes.. a whole country praying together? there's something awesome about that, i wish i could have experienced it in person. thank God nothing bad happened to obama!

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I cried too!

KENT?! That's pretty far! And you're commuting? wow. Does corey go to the uw?

This fog is pollution? ewwww. seriously? i really hope not.

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm glad you're doing well living with Corey. I hated the ring more than I can express in words. I only used it for one month, but it was awful.

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

My daddy lives in Kent! YAY!

There are hundreds of different types of pills... go back and get a different kind!

[Blitch.|0 likes] [|reply]

you moved in with him? jealous. i hate mel being in another country. :/ i stopped taking birth control too because i was always sad.

[concupiscence.|0 likes] [|reply]

My mom cried her eyes out about Obama. And how exciting that you moved in together! Have you tried the patch?

[entwined.|0 likes] [|reply]

haha i cried too!
it's nice living with a boy huh?
i can't wait to move out n have it just be me and danny.
he moved in with me but im ready for the girls to go lol
i love them but it gets old!!

[starleigh|0 likes] [|reply]

oh and i jus got on the ring like 6 weeks ago and idk if it's the winter blues or what but im nonstop sad... BLAH
maybe it's just me though :/

[starleigh|0 likes] [|reply]

that's good you are happy where you are living now. :] that little girl seems so cute. XD

[burt|0 likes] [|reply]

that's crazy about seeing that girl you used to be friends with.
and don't you just hate that? when friends or ex-friends take your sloppy seconds? =( it's weird.
and maybe you're not getting enough of some kind of hormone? or something? like progesterone or estrogen?
you could ask your gyno!

[spinneretteStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I can't take BC either because it makes me severely depressed. why does it do that?!

[.Ban.Ignorance.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: yes! I was there yesterday. at like... 3 something? I didn't see you! sorry :[ I think one of these days we should actually get coffee or something.

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

living with corey now, thats exciting. little girl sounds cute!
good thing that creepy guy is moving out.

[naturally beautiful;|0 likes] [|reply]

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