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ා Journal of a Dreamer ා
by Miss Dreamer

previous entry: A Quick Entry And A Bit More Progress On Library Books

next entry: Happiness, A Good Lunch, And A Friend

Books And Crazy Dreams


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22nd December 2012, 9.02 AM.

Mornin' people!

So! I just had a great time replying to people's comments. >(^.^)< Heh. Anyway! I FINISHED ALL MY LIBRARY BOOKS! MUAHAHAHA. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! LOL, I'm crazy. Just felt like I had to write a bit now. Don't want to be random, though. I wonder when I'm going back to the library.

I'm thinkin' of talking about books. Yes, books. Oh, and guess what! Last night, I had another crazy dream but it was kind of similar to The Secret Tree (it's my last library book) except it, as usual, had some weird touches. Oh well. That's dreams for you. Anyway! I was just thinking if the library has any comics. In all my visits there so far, I've never seen one! Or borrowed one, either. I was thinkin' of borrowing the Bone series 'cause I never got to read the whole series and I especially would like to read the first book. ^u^ I can't think of anythig else to say, except that I've gone back to reading "Three Diamonds and a Donkey".

When I said I couldn't think of anything else to say, I meant books. OK, so you know my Journal? My actual notebook Journal? I haven't written in it since I started here. Well, except that I wrote about this website. ^_^ Just saying.

Screw it! I can't think of anything else to say. Well, I guess I'm off to read other people's entries now. I see frog has written new entries. >(^.^)< :3
This is my Journal, where I will pour out my views, opinions, and thoughts. If you don't agree with any of those, well, I cannot tell you what to do but I ask you to please be polite when commenting. Thank you and have a nice day. :3

previous entry: A Quick Entry And A Bit More Progress On Library Books

next entry: Happiness, A Good Lunch, And A Friend

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what authors do u read? im looking for new series to try!

[The Avon Lady|0 likes] [|reply]

Hmm...I don't normally bother to remember the authors but hang on...let me check my collection...wait a second, I don't really get what you're asking. Errm, do you mean like the authors of every single book I read? Or do you mean something else? Or are you asking for the authors of series books?

Sorry if what you were asking for was really obvious... -.-"

[The Dream Journalist|0 likes] [|reply]

lol she's essentially asking who your favorites are, whose books you like to read. (:

[Atropos|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks for explaining! :3

[The Dream Journalist|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow, I'd be like listing every author in my collection, LOL. But I'll try to answer your question. Just let me check my collection first. ^^"

Yeesh, I need to walk back and forth. Here are the authors:
1)Roald Dahl
2)Enid Blyton
3)Cathy Cassidy
4)Kathryn Lasky
5)Meg Cabot

Whoa, sorry, all those authors wrote books for my age and slightly older sorry! Wait, except one, Roald Dahl. And maybe Meg Cabot. Anyway, I'll try harder. Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if I actually read adult books at all. -.-"

1)Christine Feehan
2)Stephanie Laurens
3)Richard Adams (he wrote "Watership Down" my most favourite book of all. If you like animal stories, you'll like this one! )
4)Ruth Saberton
5)Lisa Kleypas
6)Margot Berwin
7)Adaobi Tricia Nwabauni
8)Wendy Wunder
9)Kelly Link
10)Sophia Bennett

I guess maybe that's all. And it was a coincidence that I wrote 10 authors. Well, I tried my best. I hope you find what you're looking for. ^u^

[The Dream Journalist|0 likes] [|reply]

I always write new entries - I'm like the most active Blooper here!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[frogStar|0 likes] [|reply]

(Other than you, that is - like, gosh, I think now you're the one who writes the most entries per day! At this rate, Steve won't have the heart to delete you - he likes active Bloopers! )

Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[frogStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow, that's good! Hehehe. But like I said, I'm sort of addicted to this website. :3 I just love coming back here. >(^.^)<

[The Dream Journalist|0 likes] [|reply]

I'll be sad, though, when I'm back to school. I won't be as active as now. But I'll do anything to post at least one entry per day! Well, except killing or murdering or suicide. I wouldn't do those things to post an entry. Plus drinking, smoking, gambling, bullying, ra-oops, sorry, I mean, err, um, other inappropiate stuff. ^^"

[The Dream Journalist|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: A Quick Entry And A Bit More Progress On Library Books

next entry: Happiness, A Good Lunch, And A Friend

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