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Welcome to the Fantasy!
by TandB_fanfic

previous entry: T~ Another Alphabetical day (THE M WORD)

next entry: B-READ MORE HERE!

B-Singing In The Rain


**Rated M for Mature Content. May contain foul language and/or adult situations. Please read with caution.**
ocument type="layout" layout="Rainbow Dripping" layout_href="/lovebipolarinc/rainbowdripping" author="Beth@Love Bipolar Inc." author_href="/lovebipolarinc">


At four o’clock in the morning Johnny got a text from Rob that read; “I need your help” Johnny groaned and rolled back over, snuggling closer to his new fiancé. But ten minutes later his phone shrilled again with another text. Almost growling now, he picked up the phone.

“Bina left me”

Johnny sat straight up, his eyes no longer drowsy. Thressa’s eyes slowly fluttered open.

“Everything ok?” her voice was thick with sleep.

“Bina left Rob…”

“What? When?”

Instead of answering her, he called Robert and got the whole story then relayed it all back to Thressa. Now they were both awake at five am and no chance to return to sleep. Rob apologized for the time, he was back in LA, which was three hours behind them.

“I need to call Bina” Thressa reached for her phone.

“Don’t you think she’ll be asleep?”

“If I know her, and I do, she hasn’t slept in days.”

She was right, it had been two days since she got home. Two incredibly long, lonely days of no sleep or food. Bina laid in bed, she didn’t move and hadn’t showered. The tears stopped shortly after they started, she was in too much pain to cry. Her phone began to sing “Jar of Hearts”, meaning someone was calling. She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled the covers over her face. Nothing mattered right now.

“She’s not answering…” Thressa stood as she spoke, sliding the phone into her pocket then reached for her keys.

“Maybe…” Johnny opened his mouth to protest but with one look from Thressa, changed his mind “I should go with.”

The sun was rising by the time they got to Bina’s house. Thressa didn’t bother to knock, she just opened the door with the spare key. Johnny was a little hesitant to enter as Thressa speed walked through the house.

“Bina!” she yelled when she seen her in bed.

Bina let out a deep, uneven sigh. The pain in her chest was unbearable, she felt like throwing up from it. Slowly she sat up as Thressa sat by her feet.

“He texted Johnny.” Thressa was careful not to say his name yet.


“Why didn’t you call me?”

Bina just shrugged and shook her head. She looked out the window, the circles under her eyes were almost black. Thressa was soaking up all the emotions from Bina. Johnny walked in and looked at both women.

“Thressa, you go make food. I’ll talk.” For once Thressa only nodded. Johnny took her place on the bed. Bina just stated out the window. “Hey kid.”

She nodded and glanced at him.

“You look like hell.”

“Yeah” she croaked and raised an eyebrow.

“So you still can talk…” He ran to the bathroom, grabbed a glass of water then offered it to Bina. She shook her head. “Please” She took it in her hands, nothing else.

“I don’t think I’ll keep it down.” her throat burned.

“Just one sip”

She held it to her lips and took a sip. It felt so cooling to the burning lump, then settled a little in the pit of her stomach.

“He’s hurting too.”

“His was self induced” she took another sip.

“He didn’t leave you…” Her eyes locked on Johnny’s, they were sea green which meant one thing. She was pissed.

“He’s not SURE he wants to love me” she slammed the cup down, water splashing every where. Johnny knew he was walking a dangerous line but she was showing emotions, that was a big step.

“Rob didn’t just walk away though.” he waited a beat. “You did”

Her eyes narrowed, pain and anger flooded her face. She threw back the covers and stood up. Her knees and back was stiff and sore.

“What the hell was I suppose to do?! He crushed me!” her voice broke, tears filled her eyes now. Johnny came to her, wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair as she cried.

“I know honey, let it out.” She nuzzled her face into his neck as her body was wracked with sobs. He just stood there, holding her, reassuring her that she was ok. A few minutes later, the flood became a trickle, her eyes were red and puffy, bloodshot. The pain in her chest was still there, but it had dulled a little. Thressa walked in with a plate of food for Bina. “You eat then shower… We’ll be in the living room.”

“Ok” she nodded, drying off her eyes. She gave a weak smile to Thressa and mouthed ‘thank you’.

“She’s not going to take him back easily” Johnny said as they came into the living room, sitting on the couch.

“No.” Thressa sat next to him and linked her arm with his. “Maybe we should help.” A mischievous smile spread over her lips.

“How so?”

“Well, the weekend is coming up…”

“You go see Rob?”


“Ok… But not sex this weekend. I want a chance to wear out my fiancé first” A big smile grew on his face, it was a proud smile.

“You’re getting MARRIED?!” Bina screamed with excitement, standing in the hallway, a smile on her face.

After the initial shock of what she heard, she was genially happy for Thressa and Johnny. There was still that pang of jealously but it was over shadowed for the love for her best friend. Thressa was gone for the weekend with Shelley, something about Blake Shelton so Johnny had decided to stay with Bina, or so she thought. Thressa was in California with Rob trying to help devise a plan and Johnny was with Bina to help her and make sure she didn’t revert back to staying in bed.

She was still very zombie like. Bina ate, drank, showered, and sat on the couch. She didn’t say much, minus when she found out her two favorite people were engaged. She had squealed, smiled, hugged, and almost laughed.

“Want to watch a movie kid?” She hesitated with an answer. “You can pick.”

“Sure” Digging through the movies there was Robert’s face. She flung it across the room. Johnny sighed deeply and went to her.

“What movie are you looking for?”

“Grandma’s Boy”

“I’ll find it.”

She nodded and sat on the couch. Johnny put the movie in, sat next to her then put a pillow on his lap. She still hadn’t slept and it was starting to worry him. He patted the pillow and she laid down. Bina giggled some through the movie, Johnny caressed her forehead and hair, brushing it back. Just as he was getting up to turn off the movie he realized she was asleep. He gently lifted her head and got up. After he called Thressa he climbed behind Bina and curled his arms around her and slept too.

The next day In LA, Thressa was trying to help Rob pick up the pieces of his heart and figure out a way to get her back.

“I don’t know why I did it” Rob groaned into his hands.

“Because you’re young and stupid. Now let’s focus on how to change this.”

“Can’t I just call her?”

Thressa laughed hard and loud, saying “Yeah, go ahead and try” between bouts of laughter. Rob shook his head deciding not to mess this up anymore than he already had.

“You’re best bet will be to go to her house.”


“Not sure… Make sure she doesn’t have a bat near by.” she cackled.

“Ha ha” Rob said heavy with sarcasm.

“Don’t snap at me mister”

“Sorry…” he gripped at his hair.

“You’re going to have to do some sweet talking. She’s not going to let it be easy on you. Bina has been tore up before. Last year when ‘he who must not be named’ ripped her heart out.”


“You don’t know about him?”

“No…” he said slowly and realized just how little he knew about her.

“That’s something you’ll have to talk to her about.

“O… k…” He wracked his brain. “What’s her favorite song?”

“My Immortal by Evanescence”

Rob quickly typed it into his laptop, looking up the lyrics. As he read them, he shook his head again.

“Anything else? Not really the song I want to play for her…”

“Let me text Johnny, see if he can do some snooping why she’s in the shower… I know most of the music she listens to is dark.” Thressa sent a few text to Johnny, Bina was still sleeping. Thressa sighed with relief, sleep was a good thing. Johnny opened her laptop and looked at her iTunes player then texted Thressa.

“Ok Rob, we’ve got three options… I won’t say I’m in love, Hercules song. Just got started loving you, James Otto, some country song. Or the rose…”

“Ugh..” Rob looked up all three songs, dragging a hand over his unshaved jaw. “I’ve got it…”

“You sure?”


“We should leave, soon”

“I agree, let’s go.”

The headed for the door, bags already packed. Rob grabbed Thressa’s hand.

“Hey, thank you Sprite” and hugged her tightly. She hugged back then when he let her go, her eyes turned a dark grey.

“You hurt her again like this again though and you won’t have to worry about being a man” she smiled sweetly then practically skipped to the car.

Rob wasted no time at the airport. Johnny had left a sleeping Bina to come pick Thressa up so that Rob could head straight to Bina’s. The drive was about an hour in a half when going the speed limit, Rob pushed it and made it there in a little under an hour. It was dark and sprinkling when he pulled into her drive way. Everything in him wanted to rush into the house but he knew that she would reject him. There was still a chance that she would do so now, but he had to try. His palms were sweating, he wiped the off on his jeans before he knocked on the door. And then, there she was. Her brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail, red frames sat on her nose and her eyes were pink and swollen. The pain he felt before was nothing compared to now when he had to see her. Just looking at her he knew, he hadn’t broken her heart. He had shattered it.

She gasped when she opened the door, she was expecting Johnny and Thressa, not him. Anyone but him. She shut the door and walked back into the living room when he knocked again. She ran her hands through her hair and grabbed a handful, pulling it in frustration. She walked back to the door, everything in her was shaking. She noticed the rain was starting to come down harder.

“Please, let me talk…” She didn’t respond, she just stood in the door way. “I’m so sorry Sabrina. I was stupid and I should have talked to you about it before instead of keeping it buried.” Bina nodded. “Can I come in? I have something for you.”

“No” she shook her head, closed the door and walked away. She wanted to collapse on the floor and curl into a ball. Sitting on the couch, with the TV on, she heard something. She muted the TV, music coming from outside. She went to the windows, Rob was standing in the rain, playing his acoustic guitar. Trying to brush it off she walked back to the TV but soon shut it off as he kept playing. Bina flung open the door and went to stand on the porch, ready to tell him to leave.

He was singing “The Rose” He was drenched, his dark hair clung to his forehead and his face looked like he hadn’t shaved in weeks. The song ended and Bina found herself standing on the bottom step. Robert slowly walked to her, leaning his guitar against the house. He was still a foot away from her, he could feel the heat coming from her body. Everything was still there, but there was something new there now. If she took him back, and he hoped like hell she did, it would be intense kind of love. Not what they had before, it had been real but not like this. He hated trying to put love into words or explain it, love wasn’t something you could describe with words and neither was this moment. Robert took another step forward and when she didn’t flinch he took another. She was just as soaked as he was now. Clothes clung to their skin and the cool night air wrapped around them.

“I love you Sabrina, I’m sorry that I ever made you doubt it. Let me back in, I’ll make it up to you.” Her silence was making him uneasy, he thought about saying more but the words wouldn’t come. He just held her gaze.

“Johnny and Thressa are engaged” she said lightly.

“Oh…” Rob sighed unevenly.

“I’ll need a date to the wedding…”

She looked down at her bare feet then back up at Rob. With three strides he closed the distance between and waited no time putting his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his head into the nape of her neck and let out a small cry. He mumbled things into her skin, kissing it lightly randomly. He was holding her tightly, their skin slick with rain.

“Robert.” he looked up at her “Kiss me”

He closed his mouth over hers, it was hot and passionate with strong desire. Bina’s hands were combing through his drenched hair. They walked up the stairs, opened the door and tumbled against the wall. Robert lifted her feet off the ground, pinning her back to the wall and she wrapped her feet around his waist.

“I love you Sabrina…”

“I love you too Robert” he kissed her face all over. “Now lets go take a warm shower and throw these in the dryer. As her feet came down to the floor, she went to walk away but Rob grabbed her hand.

“I’m not ready to let you go yet my love.”

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