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Welcome to the Fantasy!
by TandB_fanfic

previous entry: Too much of the past.

next entry: Good Morning

B-Safe Haven



Johnny continued kissing her neck then nibbled on her earlobe. Bina moaned and smiled when his hand grasped her breast.

"You do all kinds of naughty things to me"

"Yeah? Well I'm not even trying yet."

"Mmmm, well then I can't wait" she chuckled.

Slowly Johnny laid her back while kissing her, flicking his tongue over her lips. His hand crept up the bottom of her shirt, cupping her breast. Bina arched her body up, she wanted him as close as possible. He wrapped his arms around her back, they were now laying on their sides, facing each other. Johnny pulled her close to him, he could tell she needed it right now. Bina tilted her head down, breaking the kiss.

"What's up kid?"

"You're the third man I've kissed today." She closed her eyes. Johnny put a finger under her chin and tilted her head to meet his.

"Look at me." She opened her eyes slowly "You didn't kiss that asshole, he kissed you... It was unwanted and uncalled for. Don't beat your self up over that." His voice was soothing, comforting, safe.

"See, this is why I need you in my life..." she smiled slowly and nuzzled into his neck.

Johnny chuckled then used a finger tip to trail up and down her back, under her shirt. Bina grinded her body into him, feeling his already hard cock. Johnny quickly slid down her pants and shortly there after, off came his. He grabbed a condom from his wallet and slid it on.

They made love, slowly and passionately. Johnny murmmered sweet nothings in her ear, kissing her gently. They came together, long and hard. They put their clothes back on but stayed close. Bina sat in front of Johnny, her back to his chest and Johnny's arms wrapped around her. She snuggled in closer to him, feeling like she could almost cry. Johnny kissed and nuzzled her neck.

"You're an amazing woman kid."

"Uh... You speak in riddles Mad Hatter" she giggled.


"Can I ask you something serious?"

"Of course" His arms tightened around her.

"Why is the rum always gone?"

Johnny laughed, shaking his head. His hands came to her sides and he started tickling her. Bina laughed and flung herself back.

"STOP!!!!" she said in between breathes.


"AHH!!" she screamed when he pinned her down, she laughed harder. "Oh no, Jack Sparrow is attacking me!"

"I think you mean CAPTAIN" he corrected, in the characters voice.

"Yes, CAPTAIN!" He let her up and she started walking towards the house. "We should check on the kids, get them in bed and continue... Captain butt head!" Bina ran to the house, Johnny following after her. Before they made it into the house, they saw Rob and Thressa standing in the garage.

"We'll be right back out guys!" Bina yelled to them.

Bina got Alana situated in the spare room to sleep, got her kids tucked in and in bed then headed back out to the garage. Johnny stopped her at the door, he gripped her hand and brought it to his lips.

"I'm sorry you were hurt today kid, you don't know how much that hurt me."

"Thanks Johnny..." she smiled slow. He leaned in and kissed her lips. Hand in hand, they walked to the garage.

Bina stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the look in Thressa's eyes and then she looked at Rob, who was sporting a black eye.

"What the fuck happened to you two?" She let go of Johnny's hand and crossed the garage to them.

"Flash back" Thressa said sheepishly. "Dean"

"Ahhh, I'm sorry." Bina frowned and hugged Thressa. "You ok Rob?"

"Yeah, I'm ok love." He leaned down and kissed Bina's forehead.

"What a hell of a day" Johnny walked over to Thressa and kissed her.

Bina walked over to Johnny and whispered in his ear. He smiled and nodded and walked out of the garage. He came back a few moments later with another joint.

"We both think another one of these is in order!" Bina smiled.


The next morning Johnny woke up first, he got coffee going for everyone. Bina got up and started packing things that the kids would need to go to their fathers house. She walked into the kitchen and found Johnny leaning against the counters in cut off sweat shorts, nothing else. His hair hung past his ears, he looked sexy.

"Morning kid."

"Good morning" she smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"Good... Hey, come here." He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to him.


"Just wanted to let you know that I love ya..."

"Oh... I love ya too. Does this mean we can rethink the swich?" she batted her long eyelashes at him.

"We'll see" he laughed. "Since we're alone and not having sex, can I ask you something."

"Sure... Do you want to have sex?" she laughed.

"Actually...." he shook his head with a smile on his face. "I was wanting to do something for Thressa. I know about her allergies with jewelry so that's why she doesn't have a wedding ring, but I want to get her something that says she's married."

"Well, I know she likes tattoos... You could design her a ring and get it tattooed on her."

"That's a good idea. Ahh, reasons to sleep with your wifes best friend." Bina laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"See, even you can find reasons as to why it's good to switch now and again" she winked.

"Yeah, yeah.... Like I said, we'll see."

Bina walked over to Johnny and nuzzled into his chest, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

Love Bipolar Inc | Image:

previous entry: Too much of the past.

next entry: Good Morning

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Loved it! Really cute

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