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Welcome to the Fantasy!
by TandB_fanfic

previous entry: T-Baby names

next entry: Ian Arrives

B-Baby A and Baby B



Bina woke up next to Thressa, both of their bellies round as could be. Slowly Bina sat up and tried to get out of bed. The babies were large and in charge which made it harder to move. One prefered her ribs while the other, her bladder. Johnny was sitting in the living room as Bina waddled into the room.

"Hey there kid. How ya feeling?"

"My feet are swollen, my back and hips hurt, and I think baby A is using my ribs as monkey bars" she beamed and rubbed her belly.

"Glad to hear you're doing so well" he chuckled. "I've been thinking that maybe we should find out the sex of baby B... Ya know, so we can pick out names and stop calling the baby an it and baby B"

"Yeah, that's great. I'll talk to Rob and see how he feels about baby A"

"Good... I'm excited about our next appointment." Johnny smiled and rubbed a hand over her growing stomach. Just then, Johnny's hand was kicked from the inside. "Hi there baby. How are you?" he leaned closer and planted a kiss on her stomach.

"Hey now" Rob said as he walked in the house.

"Sorry" he laughed and stood up right. "One of them kicked my hand."

"Must be mine, tellin' you to back off" Rob said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"We were just talking about finding out the sex of the babies.... Johnny and I agreed to find out the sex of baby B..."

"I don't know, I think I'd like it to be a surprise."

"Cool" Bina smiled. "I'm gonna shower" she glanced at Rob.

"Need help?"

"Yes sir... I'm not even sure if I have feet anymore."


"Well, Mrs. Pattinson... you are 34 weeks along, both of the babies have a strong, regular heart beat and are measuring at good length."

"Good, I'm so glad to hear that. I was wondering if we could find out the sex of baby B"

"Oh, just the one of them?"

"Yes please. Different fathers, different wants" Bina smiled at the look on the technictions face.

"Oh.... Ok.... Uhm, sure. Of course, let's find out. Ok, there is baby A. There is it's hand. And down here is baby B. It's a boy! Congratulations."

After the rest appointment Rob and Sabrina went out to lunch, alone. It may be the last time they get to be alone for awhile.

"I was thinking about names... Thressa all ready has hers figured out. I was thinking Charlie Thomas for a boy or Biannca Mae for a girl." Bina stated. "What do you think?"

"I like them... Where did Biannca come from?"

"No idea, just popped in my head."

"What about names for baby B?"

"Don't know yet... I still need to have a talk with Johnny." Just then Bina clutched the side of the table from a cramp, or rather braxton hicks. "Oh shit" she hissed.

"You ok?" Rob rushed to her side.

"Yeah, yeah... just my body getting ready for the babies."

"You're sure?" he kissed her temple.

"Yeah. I'm ready to go home though."

Back at home, Bina resumed her daily routine of sitting in her room. The added activities seemed to have stirred the babies and she was having a rough time with the fake contractions. Johnny came into the room and sat next to her with a glass of water.

"How ya feeling?"

"Like someone is using my guts as spagetti noodles."

"Ahh, that bad ay?"

"Well, it ain't pretty" she groaned. "Sorry, just grumpy."

"No need to be grumpy. I was going to talk about baby names but I'll come back."

"No, no... it'll take my mind off the pain."

"Ok, so.... I already have a Jack... I don't want to pass on my name either."

"Hmm, ok... If mine and Rob's baby is a boy, we are going to name him Charlie Thomas. So those two names are out. So if Johnny and Christopher. My uncle always wanted me to use his name, James... Maybe as a middle name?"

"Yeah.... not for an awesome first name" he laughed. "Zachery James?"

"I love it!" she smiled then yawned.

"I should let you rest kid." He kissed her forehead before walking out.

Bina could tell that the next two weeks were going to be hell. Her body was all ready going through the motions of prepairing for birth. She gripped the side of the bed and breathed through another braxton hicks and tried to nap.

Love Bipolar Inc | Image:

previous entry: T-Baby names

next entry: Ian Arrives

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Hmm I wonder if it really is braxton hicks....twins tend to come a little early.

[I♥AlanRickmanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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