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Jork's Diary
by Jork

previous entry: .x. Not amused.

next entry: .x. here we go again!!!!!

.x. Quick


TITLE HERE Just a quick update. Me and David got in a fight. I slapped him in his face cause he got in Ezra's face hollering. And pushed him. I go to kitchen and he come up behind me and pushes me in the back of my head and I fell into the table. Then he hits me with his necklace that his mom got him for Christmas a few times cause it got broke. Went to emergency room over stomach pain. They told me I'm so early the babies heart hasnt started to beat. But my levels were good. Got a UTI and some god awful virus. On pain meds for my stomach cramps and antibiotics for UTI. I told mom that stress can kill a baby and I couldn't live with myself if I knew me and him had done that to our baby. So I can only stick it out. The cops were called (by my parents) and it was a bad mess. I've had a migraine, stomach pain, vomiting since last night. Prayers please.

previous entry: .x. Not amused.

next entry: .x. here we go again!!!!!

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Oh wow... so NOT OK!! Prayin for u & baby.

[twistedlady|0 likes] [|reply]

Prayers that the baby is okay!

[shelby :]|0 likes] [|reply]

Your relationship is FAR from healthy. Break up. Move away from each other. You both need counseling for anger issues. Hitting is never, NEVER the answer. And what kind of example is that going to set for the kids?
I worked in a safe house for battered women, and I've seen what happens to kids who grow up around violence, even "casual" violence. You were both in the wrong, and you both need to be away from each other and sort your shit out before something goes really wrong.

[Oprah Noodlemantra|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't mean to be rude... But how is that okay? It wasn't okay for you to put your hands on him, nor was it okay for him to put his hands on you. And yelling in the child's face? It's just wrong all over. The kids are taking that in and seeing it, and they're going to grow up thinking it's okay.

I have to agree with the person above me. It's sounds like counseling is needed for anger problems and the two of you, sadly, need some time apart. I read in a previous entry that your parents never really wanted you to get married to him in the first place. Maybe they were onto something?

You shouldn't be in a situation where you're being treated like that and neither should the kids.

[grandlinegirl53|0 likes] [|reply]

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