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Jork's Diary
by Jork

previous entry: .x. Quick

next entry: .x. emergency room

.x. here we go again!!!!!


TITLE HERE Guys, he is driving me fucking insane. I had a follow up today with my OBGYN. The doctor told me that I'm early of course but that the hospital showed a gestational sac and that's it. So I go in next week for a follow up ultrasound on the 8th. But when we went to leave, the doctor walked out and David says well Darenda they told you the same damn thing that the emergency room did. And the doctor hears the doc comes back in and confronts David which pisses David off even more. Okay so fast forward. I am in tears just trying to make it to check out, David throws his mountain dew across the office and leaves. Doc comes up to me and apologizes for everything and said that if he ever saw David again he would call the police. And that if I brought him in with me that no one will see me.
I'm lost. I have no idea what to do. I picked oak ridge so that I can deliver there, because my parent won't come to Knoxville. My life is a fucking mess and I have no idea what to do.

previous entry: .x. Quick

next entry: .x. emergency room

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OmG!! He sounds exactly like my ex husband!! He would throw tantrums in public all the time when we first got together!! It was humiliating. It got to where ppl knew him by sight & would say.. he's back. You wanna know when he stopped? When he realized his anger was better relieved by BEATING my ass at home in private!!! One of the reasons I lost my kids is cuz of the stories they could tell!!! I know this is easier said than done... GET OUT!!! I was in it for 20 yrs... lost my babies cuz of it. RUN!!!!!

[twistedlady|0 likes] [|reply]

I just keep reading this & I wanna do is rescue & hug you!! If you read my first like 10 entries on here you will see what it came to... how scared & humilated I felt but then you see I ran. Now my life is WONDERFUL!! I'm not preaching I just know exactly how you feel!!!

[twistedlady|0 likes] [|reply]

I read you a looooooooong time ago, and I'm glad to see you back on bloop. However, I agree with twistedlady. That situation isn't healthy at all for you or the baby. I understand love and wanting your family together, but please try to find some sort of solution.

[one + twins.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

*HUGE HUGS* Wish I could help you! :/

[reaper88707Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Dude. Leave him, now. Pregnant or not, just fucking leave.

[Oprah Noodlemantra|0 likes] [|reply]

Time to pack your shit, lady. No man is worth that disrespect.

[♥ jesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

You need to do what is safe to you and your children.

If a doctor is telling you he will not treat you based on the way your husband is treating you that seems like a no brainer.

Now you are the only one that can make that decision. Please be careful you would not want to lose this child because of your husband

[darkgirl|0 likes] [|reply]

I am really really sorry honey you really need to think if that is the best environment to bring another child into.

Maybe you should be looking for a different place to live.

[stickbug7Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I commented on the last post and seeing this, I'm just so sad

I was in an abusive relationship for years. He was only mentally/emotionally abusive at first. I was only 16 so I didn't know better, and my parents didn't step in. They didn't approve, but didn't step in. I wish they had...

We got engaged when I was 16. I moved out and into an apartment with him. Things were fine at first, but then it started getting worse... He'd make me feel like shit about myself. I remember one time, I had just showered and was shirtless... He told me not to walk around shirtless because it was 'gross' and I'm 'too fat' for it.

He ended up getting physically abusive, but I stayed. I had no self-esteem by that point. The thing that drove me away? I went on vacation for a week with my family. I came back and went on our shared computer... I ended up coming across some messages he'd been sending to a girl. Found out he'd had a girl in our apartment the whole week I was gone. I packed up that morning and by noon I was gone. Moved back home.

Was it hard? The hardest thing I've ever done. It took me 2 years to move on from that but I did it and I'm proud of myself for it. I can remember how depressed and defeated I was after I'd left. I had been terrified to leave, but I'd hit my rock bottom.

Leaving was the best thing I EVER did.

I met someone after that. A woman. We've been together 4.5 years now and she's the total opposite. Instead of driving me down and making me feel like crap, she picks me up. She makes me want to be a better person and drives me to be my best.

You can DO this. Yes, it's hard and yes, it's scary as shit. But you can DO IT. If you feel weak, just think about your kids. If he acts like this with you, it's only a matter of time until it's directed toward your kids.

I know you love your kids. Do this for THEM. They're going to suffer if you don't. They'll grow up thinking it's okay to be in a relationship like that and it's not.

Think of your beautiful daughter in a relationship like that. Would you want to kick the guys ass and steal her away and keep her safe forever?

You're her mom. The only mom she'll ever have. Protect the person she loves most in the world.

[grandlinegirl53|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: .x. Quick

next entry: .x. emergency room

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