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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: vacation all i ever wanted! :)

next entry: tooth drama. began this on 4/1 lol ended 4/12

work work work


Time: 10:07pm

State of Being: tired

Song lyric in my head:just another Manic Monday

current desire: more days in a week. or less work days a week.

where am I?: in the bedroom on the bed

what's that noise?: watching Reign. I LOVE this show! recommended!

Russ is over at Cam's playing board games. I usually head over there with him, but I'm so super tired. (Cameron is one of Russ' best friends who lives in our apt building.) I've been working WAY too much. And my only 5 day vacation consists of two boys ages 5 and 3 running amok, and while that was awesome fun, there was no actual "rest" time. So i've been go go go since pretty much August. I do believe my brain might be exploding.

So anyway, I'm super into this show, Reign. It's amazing. It's about Mary Queen of Scots. It's like Scandal meets 16th Century French royal court. I'm on episode 20 right now.

Not really any HUGE new to talk about.

My only day off between teaching and the pharmacy is Saturday. School is going okay. The kids are getting antsy again. Spring Break is next week. woo-hoo. It's the last week of the 3rd quarter. I can't believe we're 3/4 of the way through. I've survived. The kids have not yet taken over. Teenagers are crazy. I keep trying to remember what my life was like, and put myself in their shoes.

I almost quit Wal-Mart. I had a random sporadic thought/declaration to myself on the way to the pharmacy after school. "I don't want to go. Wal-Mart sucks. Why am I going to put myself through this? I should just quit. Jump forward. Make a risk and do it! Quit!" So I went in, and gave my one month's notice. I texted Russ telling him I put in my notice. I called Meghan on my way to work to help assure me that I did the right thing. I was finally done and free. I remember it was on a Monday. My boss would be in again on Wednesday. I told her all I had to do was to talk with Russ some more to straighten out the right last date. Over the next two days, Russ did the complete monthly budget for us based on both our incomes. He reminded me that come summer, I may not even have a job. (that Drama place doesn't seem to be working out. And I have no idea if I'm going to even be getting a gig DJing at night. Basically and unfortunately, wal-mart is our stable income. He said he will never stop me from quitting, because money will be tight, but we can work anything out and he wasn't worried. But he knew that I would feel really guilty about it later. He told me it was my decision. I ended up crying in the car 30 minutes before I had to give my boss a final decision. I told him I couldn't decide, and he had to do it for me. At first he wouldn't but I insisted. He told me it was a better idea to wait. But if I quit, it would really be okay. I went into work and retracted my notice. He made me promise though, that when he gets a better job that pays more, I will quit Wal-Mart.

What else is new? Oh I got glasses. Yup. after 31 years, I finally need vision assistance. Getting old. Falling apart.

But it's like someone turned on the HD channel. I can read street signs. I can see blades of grass. While watching TV, I was like "woh! they have pores!"
I've also been having really vivid dreams lately. I wonder if that's related.

Anywho, I've been getting distracted watching Reign.

Still alive. Just tired.


previous entry: vacation all i ever wanted! :)

next entry: tooth drama. began this on 4/1 lol ended 4/12

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I felt the same qay when I got glasses. haha It was fall and I was like omg is that what leaves look like?! lol Needing glasses sucked for me. I was so reluctant to admit I needed them, but I see so much better.

I hope you come to a point soon where you can quit wal mart!

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