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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: challenge accepted (day 1)

next entry: pretend today is day three

just a random day. day two



State of Being: peachy with a side of keen that's me

Song lyric in my head: falling to pieces..
current desire: to get through to this one girl in my class

where am I?: in the bedroom on the bed

what's that noise?: Russ getting out of the shower

So day two of the challenge.

Still alive.

Taught 11-3 as always and worked 5-9 in the pharmbox.

I gave my science classes their study guides today. I've never heard my classes so quiet as they worked on them. It was great. I secretly snickered to myself. They don't realized that I'm actually kind of punishing them for the chaos they've given me the last few days. mwahahahaha. But in the long run, it'll help them. I gave them every single question that will be on the test. Though some of them may be true false, multiple choice, or short answer. But there's nothing on the study guide that isn't on the test. So I really hope it'll help them in the long run. I was told today that I need at least four quizzes and four tests by October 9th. I dunno about that. I do a quiz every week, but four tests? that's a little hard. Maybe I'll just start calling some quizzes tests. who knows. Or a quiz in the middle of the week and a test on friday? I dunno I'll figured it out.

In my Social Skills class, I sat them all in a circle on the ground and gave them a fake apple to pass around. Whoever holds the apple is the one who can talk. And we went over a bunch of what would you do in certain situations scenarios. There's this one girl in my class who drives me crazy. I love her to death, but she will talk the entire time. Bursts out with comments. Bursts out with comments on what other people have to say. It's really annoying, and no matter how much I try and stop her, she'll rebel more. I think I'm going to have to take her aside and just chat with her. Haven't figured it out yet.

Pharmbox duty was okay. Borderline good day for a day in the pharmacy. Cory was our pharmacist. He's cool I closed with Donald (the other tech), so it was basically just us three all night. The girls left pretty much right as I got their at 5.

anywho, there's not much else to talk about.

gotta run, kinda hungry.

previous entry: challenge accepted (day 1)

next entry: pretend today is day three

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Could you just add some more questions to one of the Friday quizzes to make it a 'test'? And still keep them on Fridays like have you been?

[photobooth.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I bet the nice quiet class was nice for you! lol

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

I reckon you are a good teacher

[just del|0 likes] [|reply]

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