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previous entry: No longer single :]

next entry: So I haven't updated in quite some time.

So, Chuckie's met some of my family.


Yup. He's met;
Katie- a girl I work with, a close friend of mine and I consider her a sister.
Sara- Another girl I work with and consider a close friend.
My Gramma & Poppie- he met them the night of our first date. They really like him a lot, saw him again yesterday, and invited him to our St. Patricks' Day dinner this coming Sunday.
My Aunt Doris & Uncle Brad- He seemed to get along with them, they made him laugh a lot.
My sister Shanna - She was being a bit of a drama queen, as usual. But eh.
My baby brother Johnny- But Johnny didn't stick around long though, go figure but he came home around 9 to spend some time with me though :]
My mom and stepdad Fred- They really seemed to like Chuckie, a lot. My mom just refuses to call him 'Chuckie' because it makes her think of the scary doll from the movies. haha. He did this fork trick. that involved 2 toothpicks, and a salt shaker and 2 forks. He did it on our first date to impress me :] it totally worked. But when he did it it blew my mom away. she was like "OMG HOW DID YOU DOOOO THAT?! FRED! LOOK AT IT. FRED LOOK AT ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " it was so funny. They got to know him. I got to know him a little more too, he only lives about 10 minutes away from my mom's house, so if we hang out I can meet him at my mom's house cus it'll be a lot easier.

My mom was telling me how smiley Chuckie is, and that I need to start breaking my habit of calling him Chuckie.... so from this entry on, I'll be calling him Ricky. But she could easily tell how innocent he is. Which I can too. it's obvious that I'm his first girlfriend, because I've given him his first kiss. but they like him though. Which makes me happy :]

So he's taking me to the tattoo convention on March 28th. I'm so excited, it's in Philly.

He spoils me rotten already :D

It just feels, so right with him. Like... I'm not sure how to explain it...
But I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about...

It's been a short relationship so far, but I can tell that this is the reason why none of my other relationships worked out, I knew that something better was in store for me, and I think Ricky is that something better.

Butterfly Layouts // Photobucket

previous entry: No longer single :]

next entry: So I haven't updated in quite some time.

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