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Sing To Me A Lullaby
by SingToMeALullaby

previous entry: Can i get a little advice?

next entry: I followed through. Even though it was a killer.

Made my decision


Help please :]
I have been "seeing" guy for about a month now. We have gone on 8 dates & text everyday. It is quite evident that he is falling for me. He has stated it several times
. However, past couple of weeks i have been struggling with my feelings towards him. It dosen't help that this whole "Seeing" buisness is fairly new to me & def out of my comfort zone.

I know that a month isn't long when your starting to get to know someone. However on the other hand i think within a month [if it was meant to be] i would "like" him to an intent. I wouldn't have to question it, i would just know. If that makes any sense. For example christmas is coming up & i have no desire to invite him to my family functions. Also, new years is coming up & he asked me if i had any plans [hinted towards being my date for it] & i lied & said no because it was easier then telling him i didn't want him to join me. With that said, it sounds like i dont like him even a bit. Even though its only been a month i should want to invite him.

When people ask me about him? I should list off all these things that make me amazed about him. Sadly, i dont even have enough to make a list

People always say to go with your feelings. Right now, it feels like i dont like him on a romantic level. I like the idea more of having someone their after so long. A course i will tell him this. Am not the type of person to string someone along. I know how much it would hurt if i was in his shoes.

I know what i need to do & now i must just act on it. Am scared that if i pass this up that i might pass up my only chance of having someone ever.

EDIT: Right after i write this he feeds me the sweetest lines. "You know i have family problems but when am with you i forgot all about it" & " i dont understand how lucky i am, to have a beautiful, smart, laid back girl all to myself". Am I really just asking for too much? Am i really just being to picky?

simple layouts.

previous entry: Can i get a little advice?

next entry: I followed through. Even though it was a killer.

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If that's the case, it's good to be honest

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't think you're being "too picky". You should feel something for the person you are seeing, and you're not. I think you made the right decision in deciding to tell him that you're better off as friends/you're not interested. (That's what I got from reading, so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.) Put yourself in his shoes, if you were super-interested in him and he wasn't interested in you, would you rather him lead you on, or would you rather know right away so that you can move on?

[jessa.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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