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That's as impossible as nailing jello to a tree <3
by Shar

previous entry: Who am I?

next entry: Nothing

Ewww protein shakes


--- Get it out ---

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel the urge to cry but all the tears are dried up. I guess that's a good sign right. Sadness sucks. I woke up thinking about him, how fucking lame is that. Why can't I think about being broke or just something totally different then what I'm thinking right now. Ugh this sucks. I might just go back to sleep. My doctor wants me to drink protein shakes in the morning...ick. Does anyone know a protein shake that isn't completely nasty? My plans for today...lay back down and maybe just watch some tv to chill, shower and shave my legs, work on the dishes, finish folding and putting away the laundry. I need to change the sheets on my bed and throw those pillows in the washer since I already washed all these ones. Austin has swimming lessons this afternoon and since my mom is sick his dad is going to meet me at Hardees so I can show him how to get there. It'll be nice for Austin to have his dad there I think. Kinda awkward cause he's bringing his girlfriend but that's just me. I'm starting to gain weight back I think, I can't do that I'm fat enough already but since Cliff left I'm either not eating anything or eating everything in a 5 mile radius. Ugh this sucks.

previous entry: Who am I?

next entry: Nothing

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