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m3tal h3Av3n

previous entry: you're hurting their species

next entry: the f.c.c.

the truth about the laws and why there made.


first before you read ahead its a important thing to keep an openmind on this subject because i am not the first to talk about it and to prove the facts about it.
first prostitution; the only reason this is illegal is because the government cant make cash off it, you don't pay a tax for it.people say that if you make prostitution legal it will still be a diseased nasty act of low life's when the truth is actually if it was legalized it would cut down on disease risk, violence,and the risk of getting jailed. it would cut down on disease because they could have check ups regularly with out being worried about doctors calling cops.violence would be eliminated because it would get rid of the pimp and if prostitutes had a guarded secure facility to work in the would be not chances of rape or being beat.
now lets work on drugs; drugs are also illegal because the gov. doesn't make money on it. and legalizing it would free jail and prison space wasted on drug related charges. disease could be cut by regulating the grade and dosage of drugs distributed. medical clinics that distribute m.j. technically don't make money for the selling of it they make money for the practice,visits and patients.a way for the government to weasel out of the law.
these thus proving that if it you don't pay taxes on it its usually illegal.and that if you legalize something it cuts down on jail space used ,disease,violence and overall criminals.
gun control ; shit ,how obvious can it be why this in place. to keep us in check.the reason is because we've given the gov.some much power its now to the point that they are violating all of our liberties and civil rights and then they they give us some lame ass excuse about its to help us or to prevent terrorist acts. take the patriot act for example. most people don't know that they were trying to pass it way before 911,bless the victims. they just used 911 as a lame and personally cruel and offensive excuse to pass it after so many years of it being tossed out by commitee. the patriot act goes way beyond the interception of terrorists. don't get me wrong i'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but by giving up your liberties and vote to pass that act they now have the authority to spy,track ,and even try some people with telling us why ,when and even getting a warrant.that sounds pretty unconstitutional to me. its a know fact that if you give a government some power they'll abuse it and try to take control, that's what gun control is about if the public isn't well armed how are we supposed to over throw the corrupt fascist government in the near future(stress near).we wont be able to and when , not if , when the governments succeeds to take control , we will be powerless to save the u.s.a. history repeats itself, didn't we leave Britian for the same reason. unfair taxes, abuse of power, and no civil rights.its ashamed how many citizens don't know what will happen because they are misinformed about their government,and continue to believe that this is still the "land of the free".please people fight for your constitutional rights and don't let them trick you and lie to you any more. this is our land ,the land of the PEOPLE. DON'T let this become the next dictatorship or communist country. restore U.S.A., and LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE.

previous entry: you're hurting their species

next entry: the f.c.c.

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