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Waiting on our Princess
by ♥ Bella

previous entry: ♥ 24 hours down - A bagillion more to go

next entry: ♥ Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying it. Eventually they have to believe it.

♥ Ugh, he breaks my heart.


So I don't think I thought up to the point of him leaving on Sunday that it was ever going to be this hard. We had everything set up, we knew what I was doing when he was leaving, we knew when he would be back, not a big deal right. No of course not. And my pregnancy - O0O0 LORDIE HAVE MERCY. I am so emotional. I have done pretty good I guess. I am not crying constantly and last night was the first night I actually cried myself to sleep. But it sucks.

So today I will clean out the fridge, mow the lawn if it dries up from the rain last night, and pack my stuff so that after my ultrasound tomorrow I can come home and pick up the dog then head out to Bruce and Tiffany's. I really want to try and sweet talk my doctor because I know Tricare are pricks and I normally only get one keepsake ultrasound the entire pregnancy I think. But I want to get one tomorrow to send to him in Iraq. I am still not so sure how well I am going to handle it without him there but I guess I don't have a choice.

I don't know how long I will stay with Bruce and Tiffany but hopefully it helps time go by faster, and maybe by the time I come home it at least won't be so hard. Joshua was able to call yesterday for like a ten minute maximum cause that is all they gave him on his phone card. Basically Hi I love you Goodbyes. He is waiting on a plane into the base where he is actually going to be stationed. Said if he didn't get one today he would find internet and get on Skype otherwise I won't talk to him til tomorrow probably. He only gets two calls a week and he wants to talk to me after the ultrasound.

Once he gets to his base it won't be so bad. Because he is air traffic control I guess they are only allowed to work 8 hour days and they have internet in their barracks we just have to pay for it. Which to me is not a big deal as long as I get to talk to him. And from the sounds of it once he gets settled in it should be every night. That will be amazing. It is so hard though getting to talk to them and then still having to say goodbye again.

Anyways, I guess I need to get to working on some of this stuff that way if he does call I am not running around and either don't hear it or get behind on my cleaning duties before I leave town.

Make a pregnancy ticker


previous entry: ♥ 24 hours down - A bagillion more to go

next entry: ♥ Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying it. Eventually they have to believe it.

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It will get better. It's always hard when someone you love leaves.

[TrishaDsh|0 likes] [|reply]

it will get easier to cope with as the the more he is away the less time it is until he comes home again...i love your pregnancy counter x

[fields_of_empathy|0 likes] [|reply]

I was lucky and got them put on a disc. I got about 4 videos my first ultrasound, (10 weeks ) and 6 pictures the second time. You should see if they do that.

I hope you'll be able to cope well. Hormones are a bitch.

[momma to be♥|0 likes] [|reply]

I hope all goes well for you. And Congrates on your pregnancy

[Lunatic Cafe|0 likes] [|reply]

Aw, I'm sorry about him being stationed away at such a time. It's good you can stay with friends though. That'll help. Your health care provider only allows for one during the whole thing?! How STINGY. Good luck sweet talking. That would make his day to have that. <3

[Ms. Jack|0 likes] [|reply]

Ooh, where were you an au pair? (o:xoxo

[Lady ElphabaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: ♥ 24 hours down - A bagillion more to go

next entry: ♥ Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying it. Eventually they have to believe it.

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