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Give me a syringe to inject the pain...
by *Plastic Brain Scar*

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oh the things that i've seen...


Hello All,

well I think there has bee some stuff that has happened lately that I have't writen about...Russ and I got some things for our house to be...we got an orange toaster, coffee maker & slow cooker that was pretty awesome! (my kitchen is going to be awesome!)

Last weekend was Russ' 30th birthday so we did some stuff, first we went to Canadian Tire, and I got his skates sharpend, and I bought him a hockey stick, some skate gaurds and I got myself a hockey stick & some skate gaurds. We then went to Zeller's and had lunch, and I bought him this really cool smoothie blender thing (he was so exicited for that it was pretty cute). So i gave him his NHL 09 game and he played that for a little bit, then we wet to East Side Mario's and had dinner, and then headed to the skating rink. We hung out there with his friend Jason for a couple of hours, and the headed over to Jason's house where we had cake and Xbox night - it was all in all a good day!

This week was total crap at work, i hate when one of the girls is away is totally makes my job 90 million times harder then it needs to be lol

This weekend Russ and I rented some more movies, which were:

Nick & Norah's Infinite Play List - This was worth the watch - pretty cute/funny
Repo - A Genetic Rock Opera - This started out pretty awesome, then dragged out to the end
Pine Apple Express - This was ok - totally expecting more out of it.

Today we went to the mall so I could pick up Madagascar 2 and I unexpectidly got my Valintines day preset all early like. I got a Star/Diamond necklace - its totally awesome

anyway thats all for me

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Sounds like he had a good b-day.

Madagascar 2 is sooo funny.

[x.x amy cullen x.x|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks *hugs*

[x.x amy cullen x.x|0 likes] [|reply]

That sounds like a great v-day pressie

Ryc: yeah my place is pretty cute I like it

[№ яaeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

that's an awesome valtentines day gift

[puffer kitteh|0 likes] [|reply]

Nick and Norah is playing this weekend here on campus in our theater room.

I can't decide if I wanna go see it or not, because it's not really my style of movie.

[T.A.I|0 likes] [|reply]

sounds like a great bday

[fenway_faithful|0 likes] [|reply]

Go watch zack and miri make a porno good movie

[Project Overkill|0 likes] [|reply]

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