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Give me a syringe to inject the pain...
by *Plastic Brain Scar*

previous entry: Welcome Home Scooter

next entry: Short but sweet

Le Gym


So I'm just sitting around right now waiting to go swimming with Russell...or at leas waititng for him to call me so we can go swimming - *yay* excersise....

So nothign much has been going on lately. Yesturday I went to the mall with girl from work. I bpought Russ' birthday present (I bought him Star Wars Alliance & NHL 09 for the Xbox) I gave him of the presents early. I also bought some other stuff for me... End of Season sales are awesome!

I also went home early on friday because I ahd a headach that was turning into a migrane so that was totally le suck...and It was getting to the point where i just felt like getting sick, so Russ came to pick me up from work and i pretty well slept the entire time i was there until 9ish when i went home and slept some more.

Well that's it for now.


previous entry: Welcome Home Scooter

next entry: Short but sweet

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you're a man called Zwardo

[Project Overkill|0 likes] [|reply]

Boo Migraines that make you ill.

RYC: Eh. Now that I've slept on it, I think I'm going to do just that: subtly ignore them. However, what I neglected to mention was that in that group there was a new gay boy, fresh to college this semester, that was included, and that gay boy is free from blame because he literally was along for the ride and had no play in the politics of the evening.

Plus he's kinda cute.

And he lives like, 3 doors down from me in this dorm.

And I was semi-pissed that he got drug away, because I know that he's going to go for Dustin, and if new gay boy goes for Dustin, I will be mildly irritated, and if Dustin actually gives shit back, I will be really irate.

[T.A.I|0 likes] [|reply]

i love end of the season sales. :] i hope he liked his presents.

[burt|0 likes] [|reply]

I was getting a migrane on friday too. It was odd, I never get headaches.

[Jessica.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I love to swim. migraines are awful hope you're feeling better.

[turn and run|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Welcome Home Scooter

next entry: Short but sweet

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