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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: A Walk in the park

next entry: An Enty where I don't say fuck.

Elaboration on the current situation


First off, I got my laptop back today-yay! It wasn't due back until September 4th, so I got it back a week early! It doesn't even feel like it's been gone two weeks. So, NO MORE trying to get homework done in the library within an hour, and NO MORE ------ in my diary entries. I'm sure that was annoying for you guys to try and read. I know it was annoying for me to type. I do plan on going back to edit the formatting on those entries to make them look normal.

Okay, so I have been asked to elaborate on the Nikki/molestation situation. I am going to write out the conversation word for word. First, let me tell you something about Gage. These were things I didn't want to write about because they are not MY personal business, and these are things that make me want to lash out at his peice of shit parents. But, here it is. Gage's background.

Gage was born while Natasha was in prison. When Natasha got out, she got back on drugs. They ended up getting in trouble, and were on the run, from dealers I assume. Could possibly be the cops, but I doubt it. They left Gage at a drug house with a "friend". This person ended up molsting Gage, and Gage now has night terrors because of this. I woud think that this were within the last year, seeing as he still remembers it. Also, because he has already been exposed to these types of things, is why I doubt Nikki's story.

Okay, so from the beginning to end, now that I have a non-virtual keyboard.

Nikki came to my door while I was on the phone with Daniel. Someone had to have let her in, because of my house being set up the way it is. I thought it was my neighbor at the door, because he was trying to do something with the DirecTV power supply. I assumed he was at my door to ask me if my TV was working. So, you can imagine my surprise when I saw Nikki.

She looked frantic. Being out current situation as it is, I don't care. I put the phone to my shoulder, and said to her, "I'm on the phone. Whatever you're here to say can wait until later."

She says, "It's about David. Sort of."


"...Sort of."

*Eyeroll* "Look, Nikki, than it can wait. I'm on the phone with Daniel."

"He can stay on the phone!"

So, I ask Daniel if I can call you back. He, of course, obliges.

I invite Nikki in. She says to me, "Look, I don't care what is going on between me and you. I care about the kids."

"Nikki, I don't care about the 'beef' between us. I prefer to not even speak to you."

I'm trying to let her know I am not afraid of her. She thinks because she was in prison for 23 years, that I should be afraid. I'm not. Truth is, I think she was the bitch in prison. She's 40 years old, she has back problems. If there were ever a physical altercation, I know her weak spots and how to hit them, prison doesn't mean shit to me. I'll talk just as much shit to her face as I do behind her back. So what.

"Well, it's about Gage. I was babysitting Gage today, and I saw him humping a stuffed animal. I asked him, 'Gage, where did you learn that from?' He says, 'My friend.' I ask, 'what friend?' He tells me, 'Cavin.' And you know how he lies and has to think about it! He didn't hesitate at all. Just said, 'Cavin.' So, I ask him, 'was he doing it to you or were you doing it to him?' and he says, 'to him'."

I ask, "Did you talk to Cavin's mother?"

"No. Natasha told the cops."

Okay, well, it sounds as if this happened THAT DAY. I had been going between upstairs and downstairs all day because my neighbor Vicki was moving that day. I didn't see any cop cars there. Of course, they could have taken him to the police station, or to a doctor, but I doubt it. The kids hadn't been home from school that long.

So I tell Nikki, "Well, David hasn't been allowed to play with Cavin for a week now because he's a bully. So, this isn't an issue to me."

"Okay, well i just wanted you to know because I just care about these kids. And I'm moving out of Natasha's house on the 1st, thank god."

"Is Natasha moving?"

"No. They came up with the rent last night."

"Ok." And she left.

So, like I stated earlier, Gage has been exposed to this type of thing. So, I know he has been previously exposed to this bullshit. Do I know Cavin's a bully? Yes. A molester? No. I don't see him having those types of issues. I think Gage is re-living what was previously done to him. When he was caught doing something unacceptable, Nikki took that 'you're in trouble tone' with him, and he found someone to blame his actions on. IF any of this is true.

The reactions I got from you, as readers, were 50/50. Some said 'stay out of it', some put themselves in Cavin's mothers shoes and said to 'tell her'. This situation has been eating away at me since it happened. I talked to Daniel about it last night. I knew what he was going to say, but I wanted to get his point of view. I told him, "What if it were David she was spreading that rumor about. It doesn't bother me because I think it's true. It bothers me because she is targeting a child (bully or not, this won't help matters!) and spreading serious allegations around the neighborhood. Should I talk to Char (his mother) about this?"

He said, "No. Stay out of it. She's moving soon anyways, right? I think she is trying to set you up. If you go to Char, and then Char goes to Nikki, all fingers are pointed back to you. Then Nikki moves away, and you're stuck in another mess. Just, leave it alone. Please."


And that's that. I am going to stay over here in my own little corner. This shit is coming from the woman who called my two year old son "special needs" because he throws tantrums. Of course she would spread a rumor of this calibur. I'm washing my hands of it. Thank you for your input, guys.

On other things, I mentioned Daniel came home Saturday. I don't think he will ever go back to North Dakota. He saw how stressed out I was when he wasn't here to run the household, and to not have him here at all was rough. Shit, I ended up in the hospital over the stress. I just can't do it. On the plus side, I know what I was taking for granted with him gone. It's nice having him home. We are now a two car family, which is awesome! I have a 1998 Chevy Blazer, and he brought home a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix. I love the Grand Prix! It has a turbocharger (or supercharger, whatever, not sure) a moon roof, leather, A/C. All the things my Blazer doesn't. I am trying to talk him out of the Grand Prix, and lt him have the Blazer. At this point in time, I would LOVE a new car, but I don't want the payments. 1998 models are nice, they have the nice interiors, and the extras. We have put so much money into the Blazer that the engine is 100% mechanically sound. All it needs is the A/C fixed, the transmission fixed (we HAVE a transmission laying around) and a new suspension. Daniel being as crafty as he is is able to get these things for cheap (junkyard, his family). I would rather just keep it. The Grand Prix needs a stereo (so the A/C panel or control panel will start to work, it stays black.), a muffler (we bought it today), and the key got stuck in the ignition so he is changing that out right now.

Me and Tiffany are still texting a little. Daniel isn't happy about it, he is afraid of me getting hurt again. I tell him, if I don't give her any 'dirt' on me, she has nothing to talk about. The siuation is 'eh' right now... I'm not investing much in this friendship.

Tina... UGH!!! I am having a drama-free week. I decided I was not going to talk to any drama people this week, number one being Tina, David's grandmother. She has called me several times over the last three days. That shit pisses me off and makes me not want to answer the phone even more. She even called me at 6:45 this morning! What the FUCK! YOU DO NOT CALL SOMEONE THAT FUCKING EARLY!! IT MAKES ME WANT TO CUT YOU! I never did that shit to her. I would call once a week. Because I know they're busy. Even on MOTHER'S DAY! I didn't get a call from them. I called, no one answered. I didn't hear from them until DAYS later. I didn't blow up anyones phone. I am going to start pushing ignore right off, so she KNOWS I am getting her calls and not answering. I am seriously fucking annoyed with that woman. I don't HAVE to answer the phone for her. She is not David's dad. She has no rights. So, I don't care. I'm sick of her "worrying" about David while he is with me. I'm not the drug addict alcoholic (Like her son), and haven't killed any of my kids yet! She can learn the waiting game.. and I'm gonna teach it to her.

previous entry: A Walk in the park

next entry: An Enty where I don't say fuck.

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