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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: An Enty where I don't say fuck.

next entry: 30 Day Challenge, day 2

30 Day Challenge, day 1


So, I want to start the 30 day challenge thing. I enjoy writing here everyday, but I don't always have something to write about. So-

Day One: Write something basic about yourself

My name is Heather. I'm 27, I have two sons, Tyler and David. I live in Colorado and am studying online for my Bachelors in Applied Behavioral Sciences; I want to become a grief counselor. I have a serious boyfriend (unofficial fiance?) named Daniel, he is 31.


Okay, so I was going write this whole entry about Facebook. Me and Daniel had a fight over it yesterday. He hates Facebook. The only reason why he even has a Facebook is because his best friend made him one. He even deactivated it for a little bit because we got into a fight over it.

So, I need opinions. He gets pissed when I am on Facebook because he feels I am being rude when I am on it in front of him. Even though he may be busy doing other things. He gets pissed because my notifications go off and I immediately respond to it. In my defense, I ended up turning all of my notifications off. He says he doesn't see why I need to be on it reading about other peoples lives and be checking it all the time. So he asked me to delete it.

In my defense, I think there is some underlying issue here. I have a suspicion he is jealous of a guy friend. His name is Tony, and I have "known" him since I was married to my ex. He actually used to come over to my diary and read it. We have never met in person, but he is a good friend, I would hate it if I was told I couldn't talk to him anymore. I have been honest with Daniel about him, told him all I have said here, and I feel there shouldn't be an issue. I have never gone behind his back and done anything questionable. But I know Daniel went on Tony's page and read some stuff, and keeps tabs on what I am doing as well. I don't like this being spied on shit, at all. It makes me feel like I am not trusted.

He asked me to delete my page. I don't think the crime was worth the punishment. But I did delete it. Luckily, Facebook doesn't officially delete it for 14 days. So I got upset and hurt, he got upset and hurt, and he ended up apologizing and we are over it. I re-activated the page this morning. Another thing he wants me to do is create a joint account. Here's the thing with joint accounts, I don't feel like it's mine. I feel like I have to censor myself, and I do not like to do that. I don't have control on who I add to it and I don't have control on who I delete. But I am considering it just to pacify him. But, is it necessary? Should I have to do that? I think I am going to leave it alone for now, until it comes up again. Because it will come up again.

On another note, guess who just stopped me outside, not even an hour ago? Natasha. *eyeroll* She calls me over, and tells me she's been trying to call me on the phone. I told her, "No offense, but I blocked your number because Nikki sat here and threatened me. I didn't want her harassing me on the phone through your phone."

So, she told me that she kicked Nikki out, and she found a bunch of shit she was jacking under her bed. I asked if she saw a pair of clippers, and she took them with her I guess. According to Natasha, Nikki started seven different Facebook accounts to harass R.W. with and start shit between her and him, that she talked shit about me, and she knows Nikki was talking shit about her to me, that Nikki slapped her son (not sure which one) across the face, kicked in her door, and she just had enough and kicked her out. She wanted me to go over and talk to her about some stuff later, because she assumed that Nikki was storing shit over here and I knew about it. I told her I would never do such a thing, and I had no clue. The only thing that was left here, an e-reader, was returned the day I found it. Which it happened to be behind my microwave. The things Natasha was saying really added up, but I still don't know what to believe and I really don't know what to tell her. I kind of want to talk to her, and I really want to clear up this Gage/molestation drama, but I really don't want to get involved in the situation. I know curiosity will get the better of me, and I may have a conversation with her about it. I don't really know who to believe right now, and I really don't want to believe anyone. They are both fucked up, I think.

previous entry: An Enty where I don't say fuck.

next entry: 30 Day Challenge, day 2

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