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~Can Only Go Up~'s Diary
by ~Can Only Go Up~

previous entry: Day 1

next entry: Rants and Updates

It's going to be one of those nights



So I guess it's just going to be one of those nights. One of those I haven't cried in awhile so I guess it's going to be tonight. I'm getting mad at every little thing so I figure that maybe if I cry it might make things better, maybe put me in a better mood. Who really knows. All I can do is try and hope it works. I'm just getting so irritated at every little thing Kevin does. I leave a FB comment on this guy I used to go to church with. He obviously has a gf now and he has mental issues so I've always made it a point to be nice to him. Well he had commented something about how he had a great time rafting. I've only been once so I said something like It's always fun and glad you enjoyed it and asked where he went. I didn't see the harm. Well Kevin makes a huge deal about it and when I tell him why I commented on his stuff his reply was "well you always say that to me about the girls I comment on." Well no duh! All the girls you comment on are your exs!!! I almost punched him the freaking face.

lithium layouts.

previous entry: Day 1

next entry: Rants and Updates

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