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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: Filled mostly with lies..

next entry: We Could Party, Party in a Graveyard Tonight!

I know I'll never die alone because of all of you


I'm probably not going to update again before the end of the year.  And yet I've been doing real updates more frequently than most of my blooplife.  Strange, that.  Anyway, I was kind of looking back at a quick overview of how the year went and realised, as I seem to every now and again, that I'm tremendously lucky to have the friends that I have.  Some of my friends I really just couldn't do without.  So this one is for them, whether or not they'll ever get to read it.  It's the thought that counts, right?

Firstly, there's Lindsay, and I'm not sure where to start out.  I guess I could start out by saying that she puts up with me, which is more than I could ever really ask of her ^_^  We've had a few speedbumps...and a cliff jump or two this year, but no matter what's come up we've managed to work through it and we've always come out with our relationship being the stronger for it.  There are no words for how much I love this girl.

Secondly...well, this isn't in any particular order from here on out, so don't feel bad if you aren't high on the list.  it doesn't matter, lol.  So secondly, we have Joe.  Joe the mexican.  I've known him since I was four or five and he's helped me through more or less every single crisis, problem, and hypothetical quandry I've ever faced with excellent advice.  He's never missed a beat, even when I've been a jackass, and, though he's almost impossible to get a hold of anymore (neither of us have cell phones anymore), he somehow manages to be around when he's looked for.

Thirdly, since I'm reminded of it just by being here, we have my small, yet ever helpful Bloop family.  Kelly, Sarah, and Heather.  That's damn near it, but you're all always around (yay internet, you are such a miracle.)  Whether it's advice or something to laugh at I can usually find it around here.  You all make the internet worthwhile. 

Fourthly, odd as it sounds, Kelly's kittens.  They're so cute they couldn't not make the list.  That's pretty much all about them.

Fifthly there's Daniel, my fulltime gaming partner and one of the best friends I think I could have.  Nevermind the fact that, at 3am he's a never eding source of entertainment.  Then again, so are most things.  On a different note for a second, this whole entry would be longer, but it would pretty much be me saying the same things about 20 people.  Well...not that bad, but you get my drift.

Finally, music. makes everything so much better.  EVERYTHING. 

If you didn't make the list don't feel bad.  Unless you want to.  I guess I can't really stop you.  Anyway, this to say that everyone's amazing and I'm glad you're all here and hope you'll be here for a long time yet ^_^ 

previous entry: Filled mostly with lies..

next entry: We Could Party, Party in a Graveyard Tonight!

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I hate animals.

[ijdStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Ha. Josh is so funny.

YAY! ME! AND MY KITTIES!!! I love being mentioned!

[kel-syStar|0 likes] [|reply]

dude kellys kittens rock! theyre sooooo cuddly! i think the next time im in my 'i hate life' emo moods im going to steal one till i feel better. LOL

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I could never leave Bloop. And I enjoy your friendship as well. You've always got advice for me, even when I don't want to hear what you're saying at times.

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

Aww. It's always nice when you update.
Hope you had a happy new years. lol.

[Searching the dark|0 likes] [|reply]

How nice.

Hope you had a happy new year!

[Lizzy.|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Filled mostly with lies..

next entry: We Could Party, Party in a Graveyard Tonight!

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