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Surveys to Pass the time
by MusicJunkee

previous entry: Use Somebody

next entry: Nothin But The Tail Lights

Traveling Soldier


1. What time do you get up in the morning? Depends. Monday-Thursday it's 7:30 am, Sunday it's 7:00 am and Friday-Saturday it's whenever I want.

2. How many beers until you're drunk? I don't drink beer but I am sure it would probably be about .....3. I don't know! lol.

3. Do you like beer or hard liquor? Liquor

4. Have you ever had a one night stand? No.

5. How do you take your coffee? I don't drink coffee.

6. Do you eat breakfast? Sometimes, not really though.

7. Do you prefer sleeping alone? Depends.

8. Do you smoke cigarettes? No

9. Have you ever burnt your hair? No.

10. Do you sleep with a pillow? Yes.

11. What were your habits as a child? I slept in odd places (toy bin, stairs, on the treadmill, on the coffee table, in the laundry basket)...

12. Do you want kids? Not sure.

13. Are you an only child? No.

14. Do you like road trips? Sometimes.

15. Who is your best friend? Sisters.

16. Do you brush your teeth in the shower? No, that just seems dirty to me.

17. Do you eat leftovers? Yes.

18. Do you prefer being single, or in a relationship? I have a bias opinion on this...

19. Are you in a relationship now? No.

20. Have you ever cheated? No.

21. Have you ever been cheated on? No.

22. Once a cheater, always a cheater? No I don't think so.

23. Pajamas or naked? Pajamas.

24. What do you take when you have a headache? I don't usually take something when I have a headache but if I really really need to then I'll take tylenol.

25. Roughing it or luxury hotel? Both.

26. Beach or pool? Both.

27. Would you give your number out to a stranger? No.

28. Ever hitchiked? No.

29. Ever picked up a hitchhiker? No.

30. Roses or daisies? Not sure. Both.

31. Do you consider yourself conceited? No

32. Is your hair its original color? No.

33. Do you wear makeup? Always unless it's my day off and I'm not going anywhere.

34. Do you eat ranch with your pizza? Not always, every once in a while though.

35. Do you believe in God? Yes.

36. Do you have a crush on anybody right now? Sure.

37. Does he/she know it? Nah

38. What food could you absolutely never give up? Lots of food. Burgers especially.

39. Who's your favorite cartoon? Don't have one.

Where did 40 go?

41. Do you think you're attractive? Sometimes for the most part though, no.

42. Are you allergic to anything? I always get bad allergies in the fall, I am also allergic to malt powder and dipdehydromine, it's a medicine found in allergy medication. So I can only take Zyrtec.

43. Ever had your heart broken? Well, not by love. But it's been fractured, I guess I wouldn't say broken.

44. Who was the last person to hurt you? Um....can't remember.

45. Who was the last person you hurt? Not sure.

46. Do you wear socks to bed? I wear them to bed but shortly after falling asleep I always take them's a weird habit.

47. How do you feel about breast implants? It's whatever. I don't need them so..

48. What kind of shampoo do you use? Right now I am getting rid of all the crap that we've acquired so I am using Pantese shampoo and Herbel Essense conditioner.

49. Have you ever been in love? No.

50. Do you think love is real for young people? It can be.

51. Have you ever loved somebody who didn't love you? I've never loved someone like that, but I've liked someone who didn't like me back. It's crushing.

52. Black or white? Depends.

53. Say your opinion, or keep it to yourself? Depends.

54. The snow or the sun? Sun.

55. Have you ever been out of the country? No.

56. Where do you want to raise your family? If I have one, in the town I'm in now.

57. The city life, or the quiet? The outside of the city.

58. A club, or movie night? Movie night.

59. Mercedes or BMW? Don't care.

60. Do you like to dress up? Sometimes.

61. How long does it take you to get ready after you get out of bed? About.....40 minutes.

62. Describe your perfect type of girl / boy? Are you kidding me? I love all kinds of guys.

63. Do you save money or spend it? Most of the time I save it but there are times I go on crazy shopping sprees.

64. Do you wear a belt? No.

65. How many pairs of jeans do you have? Like...3.

66. Do you want to get married in a church? Not sure.

67. Shower in the morning or night? Whenever I need to.

68. Is there ever a justified reason to lie? Yes

69. Favorite disney movie? Beauty and the Beast.

70. Favorite movie? Lots.

71. Favorite song? Lots.

72. Have you all ready met the love of your life? No.

73. Do you think you and your best friend will still be friends in 10 years? I hope so.

74. Ever thought you were gay? No.

75. Are you a good girlfriend/boyfriend? I think I would make an excellent girlfriend.

76. Do you like being in a relationship? I would like to be in one..

77. Hats or no hats? Not for me.

78. Do you fall for people easily? Yes.

79. Is it hard for you to open up to people? No.

80. Do you watch what you eat? Haha I should be, but I haven't been.

81. Do you believe in alternative medicine? Whatever works.

82. Is this true "an eye for an eye"? Not always.

83. "All's fair in love and war"? Yes.

84. "True love never dies"? Yes.

85. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? My weight.

86. Mom or dad? Love them both.

87. How long have you known your best friend? 23 years for two of them, and 20 years for one.

88. What's your favorite meal of the day? Whatever is the tastiest. LoL.

89. Do you have any secrets? No.

90. What is your worst fear? Losing the people I love, Clowns, Snakes, Heights, Aliens, Disease, Germs.

91. Do you play hard to get? Haha sometimes.

92. Are you hard to get? Depends. I'm hard to get at, when it comes to love and trust.

93. Do you like the chase? Sometimes.

94. Do you use an umbrella? No

95. Night or day? Night

96. Republicans or democrat? I'm a democrat.

97. Do you like our president? Yes.

98. Do you consider yourself 'nice'? Most of the time, I can be a bitch though.

99. Name 8 things you want to do before you die? Seriously. There is more than 8.

100. What should you be doing right now? Sleeping or reading, I have nothing else to do. Maybe getting ready to go to the grocery store.

previous entry: Use Somebody

next entry: Nothin But The Tail Lights

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