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Surveys to Pass the time
by MusicJunkee

previous entry: Ima Be

next entry: Taper Jean Girl

I'm Awesome


Will you ever be with the person you truly want to be with? I hope so.

Who's place did you last chill at and with who? I suppose that would be Courtney's like eons ago. It was me, courtney, brie and jessica.

What woke you up this morning? My alarm.

Is there anyone you cannot go a day without talking to? Family.

Did you speak to your father today? Yes

How many hours of sleep did you get last night? I don't know like...7. I think.

What song are you currently listening to? Nothing at the moment.

What are you going to be doing Saturday night? Not sure. I'm sure nothing important though. My life is LAME.

What's the closest black thing to you? My shirt.

What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping.

Has anyone ever called you perfect before? No.

Is there anyone in the room with you? No.

What do the majority of people in your life call you? Jus, Justine or Jugs.

Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? I'm sure I did when I was younger.

Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yes

Have you ever been called a slut? Jokingly

Do you consider yourself lucky? No.

I bet you're thinking about someone right now? I am.

Can you honestly say you're okay right now? Sure.

Do you like winter? No.

Ever burn a CD? Yes

Who was the last person you messaged? Um...brie I think.

Do you hate it when people smoke around you? Sometimes.

Do you think age matters in relationships? It depends on the situation.

Are promises important to you? Yes, but they never seem to stick anyways.

Do you have a member of the opposite sex you've told everything to? No.

Is it hard for you to imagine life away from your hometown? Yes

Have you ever opened up to somebody, but then they basically threw it all back in your face? No.

Do you believe in marriage? Do you plan on getting married someday? I do, and yes

Has your heart ever truly ached for somebody? Yes.

If you could tell your younger self something you know now, what would you tell them? Take care of yourself now because it'll save you a lot of heartache.

Is it easier to pretend everything's okay for you? Yes.

Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yes.

Ever receive a really long apology? Yes

Do you have any tan lines? No. I

Do you think you could live without your cell phone? Id rather not try.

Where’s your cell phone? On my bed behind me.

Would you curse in front of your parents? I do sometimes.

Can you play guitar hero? Yes.

Is any part of your body sore? Yes.

Last time you wore the opposite sex’s clothing? Never.

Is being single fun? I'm tired of it.

If you HAD to kiss someone right now, who would it be? Oh boy lol. I'd rather not say his name to be honest.

What' s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, Eyes, Smile, Body

Where are you right now? My room.

Did you go anywhere today? Yes.

When was the last time you cried? A while ago.

What'd you do last night? Went to the gym around 7. Got home at nine. Went and got subway for dinner, and then fell asleep before I had a change to shower, so I had to wake up early to do that.

What are you doing tonight? I went to look at paint with my sister, went out to dinner, then came home and watched "the mentalist", now I'm on here.

What was your last fight about and with who? My last argument was with my sister about the difference between a hawk and an eagle.

What was the last thing you said out loud? I can't remember.

What' s bothering you right now? I'm tired of being that girl that gets overlooked as a potential 'girlfriend' and is constantly being looked at as the 'friend'. It's SO annoying.

Where was your default picture taken?

Do you believe in soul mates? I do

Do you sleep naked? No, I've always wanted to try it once but it's hard to do when you have so many people in your family.

Do you have regrets? Eh....sure.

Do you remember your dreams? Not always

Last time you ate a home grown tomato? All the time.

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yes.

Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? No.

What is the weather like today? It was sunny but chilly

Do you have a best friend? Sure.

If someone looked on your bed, what would they find? Other than the regular blankets and pillows? My cell phone, and two packages that I got in the mail today. Also another piece of mail. And I think that is all.

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? No idea.

Are you a morning person or a night person? Night I guess.

Do you want to go to the United Kingdom? Yes.

What's your favorite season? Spring I think.

Name someone that made you laugh today? K.C.

What are you doing now? This.

how late did you stay up last night? I think I went to bed around 11:30...but I can't remember.

Who took your profile picture?

Was yesterday better than today? Um...sure.

Who was the last person you hugged? I can't remember.

What plans do you have for tomorrow? Sleep in. Clean. Do laundry. Pick my sister up from work. Stop by the store. Work out. Shower. Eat dinner. Then do whatever sounds fun.

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed? My parents bed. I took a major nap after work today.

How are things between you and your friends? Okay.

previous entry: Ima Be

next entry: Taper Jean Girl

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