It's majorly in my head.
This is an entry in two parts (and isn't really a cross-post, although it does look vaguely like one! There's more text here than on LJ!).
This meme has been going round my friends-list on LJ so I thought I'd do it.
List all of the television shows you have on DVD, no matter how obscure or embarrassing. Even if you only own one season, list it. Let's see who has what!
(It's in alphabetical order so I don't cause angst by organising them in order of favourites.)
→ American Dad [1]
→ Big Bang Theory [1,2]
→ Battlestar Galactica [1,2,3]
→ Chuck [1,2]
→ Firefly [ALL]
→ Futurama [1]
→ Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman [1,2,3] I was gonna get all of them, but Season 3 was so painful to watch I decided not to buy the final season!
→ MacGyver [1] Do I really need any more seasons? I only watch them for comedy value!
→ Pride and Prejudice (The BBC adaptation) [ALL]
→ Stargate Atlantis [1,2,3]
→ Stargate SG1 [ALL]
→ Supernatural [1,2,3]
→ The IT Crowd [ALL]
The sun has been around today *shock horror* so I took a few photos. YEY. I absolutely must learn how to use my camera and not get confused by all the buttons!

This is one of the sad little flowers that died in all the snow. 

I was photographing the spider plant in my bedroom, but Archie wanted me to photograph her instead. She has got really big.
And that's all folks! Today I did this, pretended to read a paper that I'm supposed to critically review (I hate doing critical reviews on topics I don't understand. How can I review something that I'm not knowledgeable on?? I just have to assume what the author says is true!). I also cleaned the hoover filter (glamourous!) and hoovered. Oh, and played on Farmville, of course! |