A Saturday in the life of Millie [photos] | 07/04/2010 |
7am: I start my Saturdays on the internet and with my notebook, making to-do lists and checking my emails/facebook/twitter.

At 10am I finally got up and showered, after my neighbour came round and made me feel guilty for being in pjs! (We have new neighbours, and they are putting up new fencing and a new garden shed. They keep coming into our garden to check the fencing on our side.)
I am obsessed with Lush's grass shower gel at the moment. It smells DIVINE.

I wore a dress yesterday, with leggings underneath later on in the evening when it got cooler. For the last month or so, the sun has shone pretty much constantly in England. At first, it was a welcome break from our usual crap weather. Now, however, I'm hot all the time and my plants are wilting - not so exciting any more!

I did some laundry. (I keep getting told off for saying that - it's "washing" in the UK. I have been Americanised by the internet!)

I was meant to be doing some studying, but instead I read for a few hours. I am obsessed with Yemen at the moment, after reading a travel book about the place. Thus, my reading list at the moment predominantly features either shipwreck stories or tales from Yemen! This is a book about travelling through the Middle East, written by an ex-pat who has moved to Yemen.

Around 2pm-ish I started doing some notebooking. I don't get much done in the week now at the moment (it wasn't just LJ that was sacrificed to the great altar of time!). The cat decided to help me take photos...

A couple of hours later I cleaned the house. You don't get a photo of that because it's boring, and you all know what a hoover looks like (I hope!). I listened to Laura Marling while cleaning, and played The Captain and the hourglass several times (it's a great song, you should check it out).
After I'd eaten some tea (trout and courgettes, all free! Trout was caught by a friend, courgette was grown on my allotment), my Mother and I headed over to the allotment we share with two friends and watered everything. I spotted a toad hiding amongst the courgette plants.

We have lots of patches of wildflowers on the allotment, for insects and birds. And like to say that it was my skill with a camera that got this photo, but it was purely a fluke and I didn't even spot the photo until I uploaded the memory card on to my computer.

Then we drove home:

When I got home, I watered the garden, got washed, friends came round and we watched Daybreakers and the end of Con Air. Then I accidentally played Farmville till 1 in the morning and went to sleep!
And that was my day! |