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It's me Momto2girls!
by Momto3in08

previous entry: short update

Longggg time no write!


Im writing this from my phone so it wont be too terribly long. I dont even know where to begin!

Well for starters ive been working now for a year and a half and i absolutely love it. Being an RN is the job for me and im glad i decided to go to nursing school. I work on the postpartum/nursery floor but will be just in the nursery starting in 2 weeks because Im the new charge nurse now! Contrary to what people believe about the nursery, its not all smiles and oohh you get to hold the babies all night.. Because the babies are in the nursery at night most of the time.. One starts crying and its a domino effect to the rest... We have babies "go bad" as we say and have to go to NI which is no the one who has to help moms breastfeed if they need help and while ive taken classes on it, i didnt breastfeed so i feel im not much help to them sometimes when i cant get baby latched on. But i do absolutely love my job and wouldnt trade it for anything.

The kids are doing fabulous! Caitlyn will be 9 in a few weeks, layla will be 7 in august and ty will be 3 in sept! Im getting waayy too old! My 10 year high school reunion is in sept and i actually cant wait to go! Brandons doing good too. We just had our 8 year wedding anniversary in march but weve been together 12 years this month. Aka forever!

We just had our first real family vacation 2 weeks ago. We went to destin fl. The kids had a blast at the beach. Ty didnt warm up to it until the last few days though.

Well i have to go to work now. Hope everyone is doing good!

previous entry: short update

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