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we've been stars in this town since we were 17
by - mc

previous entry: When reactions turn into hurricanes

next entry: The city never sleeps, better slip you an ambien

Here's a bomshell just for you - turns out I've been lyin too


(1) Can you solve quadratic equations

(2) Does it annoy you when you have to keep sharpening a pencil because the lead keeps breaking?

(3) Do you like the smell of nail polish?

(4) Do you think that downloading music illegally is immoral?

(5) Have you ever had to have stitches?
Nope, surprisingly.

(6) Have you ever broken a bone?

(7) When was the last time you had to study for a test?
Um, January.

8) Are you a part of any societies?

(9) Do you like cardigans?

(10) Do you think there was anything wrong with Miley Cyrus's Vanity Fair appearance?
Well, I don't really care about her, so I'm gona say no.

(11) What is your city/state known for (eg. Paris; Eiffel Tower, fashion etc.)?
It's historic.

(12) What is your favourite 80's film?
HM, probably like, The Breakfast Club or something.

(13) Have you ever been paid to take a survey?

(14) How often do you buy a new item of clothing?
When I need something, mostly.

(15) What do you do with your old clothes (chuck them out, donate them, sell them, give them to people you know)?
Give them away.

(16) Would you ever marry someone you didn't truly love for a different motive (money etc.)?

(17) Do you want to get a(nother) tattoo?

(18) How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Two or three, depending on where I'm going or something.

(19) Do you ever question your faith?

(20) Would you change your beliefs because the person you loved told you to?

(21) Do you think anyone has learnt a lesson from the Jewish Holocaust?
I doubt it.

(22) Why do you think there are still Holocaust deniers? 
I didn't know that there was any.

(23) Do you know who wrote the first dictionary?

(24) How many days a week do you have to attend school/college/work?
Currently none. I knew my old work wouldn't be understanding with what we're going through so I quit, and now I'm looking for a new job.

(25) Are you under the age of 18?

(26) Do you floss your teeth?

(27) How many cups of coffee do you drink on a daily basis?

(28) Have you ever sworn at a policeman/woman/cop?
If I did, I was probably drunk.

(29) Would you ever consider prostitution?
I doubt it.

(29b)What if it was in a state where prostitution is legal and you were in a safe and clean brothel?
How clean could it actually be?

(30) Do you see your future as more of a maternal/paternal or professional mother/father?
Right now, I see no kids in my future..

(31) How far do you agree that the mother is more important in a child's life than the father?
I don't think it's that important...

(32) Would you ever let one of your children enter a beauty pageant?

(33) What inspires you?
I don't know.

(34) When was the last time you attended a wedding?
Hmm.. July.

(35) If they ask, do you keep the hanger when you buy new clothes?

(36) Do you get a headache from strobe lighting?

(37) Who was the last person to give you a handmade greetings card?
I'm not sure.

(38) What do you like most about winter?
Snow, and building snowmen. Acting like a child basically, with no worries playing in the snow.

(39) How often do you go on holidays/vacations?
Depends, Cuba once this year.

(40) Who was the last person you laughed with?
My bro & his best friend.

(41) Do you know who Stanley Milgram is? Do you know what he did?

(42) How far do you agree with the psychoanalytic theories proposed by Sigmund Freud?
I don't know anything about him.

(43) Do you see yourself in a long term relationship in the next year?
I highly doubt it. I'm not emotionally stable for that, and it sucks to say.

(44) What was your favourite pokemon as a child?
I wasn't really into pokemon.

(45) Do you seek the unique or settle for the ordinary?
Seek the unique

(46) Do your parents/did you parents allow you to stay out late?
At first they didn't, but eventually my curfew got later, and later, until "as long as you call and tell us where you are, and what you're doing" came into effect, I really don't have one.

(47) When was the last time you had a crush?
I guess there will always be something there for a certain someone..

(48) Would you ever donate blood?
I don't know.

(49) What was the topic of the last assignment/essay you wrote?
I don't remember.

(50) Does it annoy you when you can't find the end on a reel of sticky tape?
Not really, because most of the time I scrunch the end up so it's not hard to find.

crayon box

previous entry: When reactions turn into hurricanes

next entry: The city never sleeps, better slip you an ambien

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