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we've been stars in this town since we were 17
by - mc

previous entry: No more wisdom teeth!

next entry: I'm on the pursuit of happiness

I can hear the bottle on the ground


Are you 100% in love with the last person you kissed?
not even close

What would be your last name if you married the last person who texted you?

If the last person that you kissed said they wanted to marry you, what would you do?
you are crazy

Are you currently looking forward to anything?
best friend's birthday next weekend, and being able to eat REAL food! lol

Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else?
i am actually

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

What have you eaten today?
pudding, and mashed potatoes.. yum..

Did you have a good day yesterday?
i was heavily medicated, and couch ridden.. solid day.

Who was the last person that left you a comment?

What are you doing tomorrow?
futon shopping, i believe

Will this weekend be a good one?
laid back, i hope

What's something you really want right now?
omg, chicken nuggets! it seems every single food i see on tv, i want.. even disgusting foods.. it sucks. lol

Do you like Mexican food?

Ever licked someone's cheek or forehead?
haha, i'm thinking cheek, but not forehead

Are you a fan of iced coffee?
every once in a while, but not often

Least favorite Jonas brother song?
i don't know, all of them

Have you ever been called a bitch?
who hasn't ?

Who was the last baby you held?
my baby cousin, who is a year old next month!

Is there a guy that knows everything about you?

Do you like pancakes?

Do you currently have a hickey?

Did you go out with anyone the past Valentines day?

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a O?
i can't say i have

Whos in your house right now?
my parents, brother and cousin

Are your lips chapped?
ugh, yesss

What does your 18th text message say and who's it from?
"i bet your face is so sexy right now"

How many months until your birthday?
a little over two

How are you feeling RIGHT now?
i am alright right now actually

Do you like your hair?
most of the time

Do you look at the keyboard when you type.
not usually

Think back five months ago, were you single?

Last thing you bought?
a shirt i think

Hold hands with anyone this week?
just my mom when she was walking me out of the dentist lol

What's running through your mind right now?
i need to sleeeep

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

According to your ex, are you a bitch?

Are you easily amused?

When was the last time you cried?
not for a while now!

Where is your cell phone?
beside me, waiting for me to plug it in

Have you done any thing embarrassing lately?

Are you currently frustrated with a girl?

Has anyone ever called you baby?
all the time

Have you kissed anyone whose name started with a J?

Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
not really

Are you mean?
not usually

Have you ever had a girl best friend?
i have the best friends actually

Do you hate being alone?
it depends.. sometimes i just absolutely love it

How late did you stay up last night, why?
uhh, like 11 maybe.. i have a hard time sleeping to begin with, and now i have to sleep on my back with my head elevated making it so much more complicated, so i'm usually always tired

Been in a fight in the last week?

Last three things you had to drink?
water, water and water

Is there anyone that you care more about than yourself?
my family

How was your weekend?
well it's only friday, and i can't really do anything..

Do hugs help when your sad?

Who was the last person to call you?
uh, ex boyfriend at 5 AM.. fucking idiot.

Do you still have your tan lines from summer?
i wish

At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
i don't know..

Do you think you could live with your best male friend?

How has this past week been for you?
medicated lol

Is your cell phone a touch screen phone?

Whats your best subject in school?
english, i guess

Are you a fan of Lady Gaga?

When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start?
i start the water then get in

What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
watching dazed and confused

What are you wearing right now?
pj shorts, ag's tee

The last two people to say they loved you?
my mama and s.h

How do you do in school? Do you try hard?
i did well enough to not have to try..

Do you have a step-parent?

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

Are you afraid to tell your true feelings?

Is it possible to be single and happy?

Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
perhaps, although i am very likable lol

I bet you miss somebody right now?
every day

rather be able to control the weather or control traffic?

If someone called you a bitch would you be offended?
not even a little

Do you prefer movies at home or movies at the theater?
it depends

Is it cute when a guy/girl kisses your forehead?

If you could, would you hook up with the last person you texted?
lol she is my best friend, so no

What were you doing at 11 last night?
trying to sleep

What are you supposed to be doing right now?

When was the last time something bothered you?
a while ago

Do you have someone you can act yourself around?
i'm myself around everyone

Would you rather be the heartbroken or the heart breaker?

What do you check out first when you check someone out?
well i notice their clothing/smile first

Ever been involved with the police?

Ready for winter to come?
ready for it to be over

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?

When was the last time you talked to one of your good friends?

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?

Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?
all the time

What are you doing?
this, and watching dazed and confused

Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating?

Has anyone kissed you when you weren't expecting it?

What was the last thing that made you happy?
i'm not sure

crayon box

previous entry: No more wisdom teeth!

next entry: I'm on the pursuit of happiness

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