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The Holy Book of Kiplisses
by xXkiplissesXx

previous entry: Well I suppose... Day One

next entry: Day Two

My two cents on "Bloop should have a limit"


Comments disabled but I was a little heated so I'm posting it anyways.

As you've already been told, your statement is completely ignorant. This is a diary site where people including young mothers can vent. I'm a young mom myself and I have a VERY well paying job. But in America it's not easy to get a good job, in fact it's difficult to get a job at all so what if a young mother gets state assistance and WIC? That's them making the best effort they can to provide for their child. As long as they aren't abusing the system, and since the subject is young mothers, these girls aren't the ones abusing the system, they honestly need it. And after being young and having a child community college may be the only way to go, and if they can go to college than good for them, it's called getting your foot in the door, a degree is a degree no matter where you get it. Having my daughter actually helped me achieve my goals. I live with my parents because I need help too, but I pay rent and take care of her with MY paycheck alone, and I'm glad that I'm able to do so but if I wasn't you can bet your ass I'd be getting help from the state. All jobs have to provide maternity leave for pregnant women so get your facts straight. And who do you think you are saying that CPS should be checking on us? As long as our children have a safe, loving home then that sure as fuck isn't any of your business. Yes it may have been a mistake to have sex at a young age but when we look at our children there are no regrets. We do the best we can with the cards we're dealt and a little help along the way is NOTHING to be ashamed of. I'm not saying there aren't irresponsible young moms out there, but there are really good young mothers who are trying to do the responsible thing. If that means using WIC so you can feed your child and pay your bills then thats what needs to be done. We put our kids first just like older mothers (who by the way use WIC and welfare as well) so it's absolutely unfair of you to judge.

previous entry: Well I suppose... Day One

next entry: Day Two

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RYC: Yeah. August 1st.. it seemed so far away. My countdown had like... 100+ days on it at one point... not so much anymore.

[Jacqueline|0 likes] [|reply]

wic is meant to help good mommys like you! u seem like ur doing a great job. and no one should judge u for having a child young or thinkin cps should visit you whenever. you deserve the same respect as any mom of any age. well said darling! =)

[Mama2Bella|0 likes] [|reply]

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