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Oh what Occurin??
by ~Kimi~

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next entry: Sore

for Laura


my birth story~~~

i went into hopstial on friday the 15th and the nurses tried to induce me but this didnt work at all,
on the saturday the doctor came round and said she was happy to break my waters so at 3pm my water were broken and the labour started, me and del were told to go for a walk etc and bring on the labour,
I was in labour over night with strong contractions but sadly Faith still wasnt coming as i only went from 3 to 4 cms over 15 hours,
at 6am the doctor came in and asked me if i would like to go another 2 hours and see if anything had happened or if i would like a c section
as i was in a large amount of pain to the point i had started being sick and the gas and air wasnt helping i decided to have the c section.

At 7 am i was taken to theatre which was great all the people in there were very funny and put me at easy. Del then joined me and at 7 17 it started,
by 7.34 she was born and given to del.

WE NAMED HER~ Faith Tilly Ormsby
SHE WEIGHT~~ 10lbs3

and we brought her home on tuesday the 19th.

there is a photo of her as my msn picture, xx

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next entry: Sore

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Congratulations on the arrival of Faith

[Lady Blue BellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Although it wasn't what you wanted I'm glad it went smoothly and she arrived safely.

[amy|0 likes] [|reply]

randomer...congrats on the baby. 10 lbs 3, wow!

[.x Gem x.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Sounds like she needed a lot of convincing to come out!

Congratulations, glad she's finally here

[|stripes|Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Congratulations Kimi

Love Sami xx

[saminalStar|0 likes] [|reply]


[Hayley McBayleyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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