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Emotional Tautology
by Chapter Finished

previous entry: Bedtime Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 1st, 20

next entry: Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 2nd, 2009)

Morning Thoughts (January 2nd, 2009)


1. The things you’re grateful to have
Internet. Friends that will be silly with me. Friends that will trudge all the way to bloop for me. A smile. Food in the house. Hydro and running water. Kitties. A big comfy bed. Not much to do today. My meds. A roommate who puts dishes away when I'm not looking, and makes me oatmeal.

2. The things you’re grateful NOT to have
Gangrene in my leg. An eviction notice. Much in the way of responsibilities. Anxiety about a burnt kettle.

3. What you don’t like about yourself
I bitch too much.

4. How you can change what you don’t like about yourself
Trying not to? Iunno. It's a work in progress.

5. Your greatest qualities
I can be incredibly perky when I want to be. I am a very grateful person. I'm silly. I'm persistent.

6. Your life goals
I want to be a lady. I want to never turn into a grownup. I want to be a source of joy and inspiration to others. I want to be known for my honour and rightness. I want my own home. I want children, who are treated well. I want to be a cornerstone in my community. I want to own a gypsy bus, and blow where the wind takes me.

7. How yesterday’s problems are today’s motivation
The fight with Kai was good. I said some things that needed to be said, and I feel better.
I will never get so broken again that mistakes are made because I don't know what I'm doing. If I'm going to mess up that badly, I want to do it on purpose.
I want to be whoever it is that Kai thought I was. I don't know or understand what that is, but he really believed in her.

8. What you want to do today
I want to get up off my butt, and go to the bank. I'm going to email back Jamie and Jonas. I'm going to figure out where the Christmas crap is going and get it out of my room. And I'm going to see if that chicken is rotten yet, and regardless make something not-cookies for dinner.

9. How you can make someone else’s day a little brighter
I'm going to be silly, I think. I made Hope smile already, so it's a good start.

10. You only have one life
So I should probably get off my butt, and off the computer and do something, eh?

previous entry: Bedtime Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 1st, 20

next entry: Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 2nd, 2009)

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