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Emotional Tautology
by Chapter Finished

previous entry: Morning Thoughts (January 16th, 2009)

next entry: Morning Thoughts (January 21st, 2009)

Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 17th, 2009)


"The three foundations of learning: Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much." -- Catherall

The things you’re grateful to have
- A fire
- A cranky kitty
- Internet
- A laptop
- Stars
- Opiates
- Hot water
- Hydro
- An end to the cold snap?
- Spell checker
- Tears
- Emotional control
- Cinnamon Dolce Latte
- My brother

The things you’re grateful NOT to have
- A tv of my own
- Syphilis
- Christmas coming
- Fungus in all my toes
- Diarrhoeal
- Funerals or weddings
- Romantic relationship obligations

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -- Anne Frank

- I took care of myself
- I ate when I could
- I am not ashamed to scream or cry
- I did some of Mom's yoga tape
- I packed my meds
- I shined my sink before I left, and shined mom's sink just now
- I have been somewhere besides the bathroom
- I did not buy the magazine I really wanted but can't afford
- I'm doing my lists, even though it's hard to think and for some reason I don't want to

From yesterday, for people's edification... I sent out the welfare paperwork, verified with welfare that they got my letter from my doctor fine and that my benefits are all in order, I called disability and got them to get me the extension, I got my demerol, and I got caught up with what's going on with Gramma. Also because I know people wish to know, Gramma is going into the long-term care ward in the hospital for a month for rehab, and will be reassessed after that time, but there is a decent possibility that she could return to semi-independent living at some point (if she takes better care of herself!!). My family and I thank you for your continuing prayers.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. The things you didn’t accomplish today
The bathroom isn't going to get anymore cleaner than it already is this month. I didn't eat as much as I would like. I'm not being as gentle as I could be with myself over having such a rough and painful day. I didn't do my routines at all really last night or this morning.

2. Think about one of your fears
I'm never going to get better.

3. Think of a way to face that fear
Continue to research and implement as possible alternative coping mechanisms for both inflammation and pain. Continue being active in the multitude of attempts to make contact with the surgeon, one way or another. Start actively preparing as if the surgery is already booked, so that when it is, I don't panic over it again.

4. One new thing you’d like to do
Get Jonas's mom's car?

5. What you don’t like about yourself
I get bored way too quickly. Seriously, it's like a small rodent gnawing at around the midpoint of the arch in my back, if things move to slowly or I don't have enough stimulation.

6. How you can change what you don’t like about yourself
Keep working to increase tolerance for this. Do the lists, even though they're repetitive and your brain screams about it. Yoga. Walk. Watch a movie without surfing. Take up handsewing, and fix some of your clothes. Be in the moment, when not completely unfeasible due to pain levels. Be sympathetic but firm with self. No bullying.

7. Your greatest qualities
I am introspective. I am willing to change. I am very perceptive in regards to other people. I am stubborn. I am a champion. I am humble. I am very good with children. I am sensual. I am strong. I am articulate. I am smart. I am loving.

8. What the future holds
Work, eventually, one way or another. Surgery, eventually, one way or another. Change. A resolution with my van, one way or another. Friends. Breakups. Funerals. Births. Grey hairs and wrinkles. New goals. Goals achieved. Goals not met. Reevaluation. Miscommunications. More house work. Financial stability. My kitties will get sick. Princess will go into heat. I will get Ari her presents, one way or another. Driver's licence. Passport. Road trips. SCA events. Pagan events. Kink events, I have no doubt eventually. Lots of alcohol. Some home brewed. Another day, and another, and another, until not.

9. Your life goals
I aim to achieve financial prosperity. I aim to be a homeowner. I aim to aid people, as a mentor, a helpmate, an adviser and a friend. I aim to rebuild a car, to the utmost extent I deem feasible. I aim to drive across north america. I aim to be comfortable in my skin, and behind my eyes. I aim to meet my standards for proper behaviour, while continuing always to strive for improvement. I aim to be a mother, who takes that job very seriously and always remembers that children are both independent people with minds of their own and utterly frighteningly defenceless and dependent. I aim to achieve as close to a healthy physical experience as this life will allow me. I aim to live my life to the fullest extent, regardless, and do everything in moderation. Including moderation.

10. You only have one life
You put your whole life in, you put your whole life out. You put your whole life in, and you shake it all about.

previous entry: Morning Thoughts (January 16th, 2009)

next entry: Morning Thoughts (January 21st, 2009)

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I aim to achieve financial prosperity. I aim to be a homeowner.

I can certainly relate to these sentiments. I'm looking to get a better job and I'm also looking into buying at house. Of course I would definitely prefer to see the former happen before the latter. Even so, I'm looking for foreclosures and other deals. Everybody is complaining about the housing crash, but I consider it to be a good thing because people like myself can now actually afford to buy a house.

[31Oct1517|0 likes] [|reply]

i understand. i will post some pictures right now.

[jodiStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I really need to do something like you've done here with just documenting the simple things you've accomplished in a day, what you're grateful for, etc. I think it would really help me in gaining a better perspective.

ryn: Ooo, yes thank you for that link!

[Desiring Holiness|0 likes] [|reply]

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