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Deciding Who's Hot and Who Isn't
by Hot or Not

previous entry: Kim Kardashian

next entry: Emmy Rossum

Victoria Beckham


previous entry: Kim Kardashian

next entry: Emmy Rossum

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me rikey

[jodiStar|0 likes] [|reply]


[-AndBabyMakesFour!-Star|0 likes] [|reply]


[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

hot hot hot!♥ -

[Lauren.|0 likes] [|reply]

im not diggin the trench coat dress but i love the heels!

[FEiSTY♥MAMA|0 likes] [|reply]


[.Amber.Star|0 likes] [|reply]


[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha - she just looks like she always does, yo! Awkward posture with attitude and studied nonchalance! Her dress looks like it's made of cardboard.

[Estella the ElderStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I always thought she puts herself together really well. Her style is crisp and angular. Love it.

[lithium layouts.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Kim Kardashian

next entry: Emmy Rossum

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