![]() Ecruos Suomynona Post Count: 2 |
.poolB ,uoy knahT ...sdrawkcab nettirw eb lliw gnihtyna tuoba noissucsid ruo oS .yaw thgir eht gnihtyreve ees ot elba eb d'I ,sdrawkcab epyt UOY fi derugif I .gnihtyna tuoba ...noissucsid a evah s'tel ...siht si uoy ot noitseuq ym oS .yaw thgir eht sgniht gniees ssim yllaer I tub ,sdrawkcab daer ot denrael neve ev'I .yaw thgir eht gnihtyreve gniees ssim ot gnitrats m'I tub ,eussi siht htiw ynomrah ot emoc ev'I .thgir ti gniod m'I fi wonk neve t'nod I semitemos hguoht ...llew etiuq draobyek ym rebmemer I esuaceb si yaw thgir eht gnipyt ma I nosaer ylno ehT .sdrawkcab si ...etirw ,hcuot ,ees I gnihtyreve taht noisulcnoc eht ot emoc ev'I
![]() Lady Elphaba Post Count: 386 |
D; ah ah ,egaugnal tnereffid yleritne wen a gnitirw er'ew fi sa s'tI !!!nuf hcum os si siht - hoO .daer ot drah lla ta ton s'ti dna - sdrawkcab nettirw hsilgnE tsuj saw ti taht dezilaer I neht egaugnal egnarts emos saw siht thguoht I ,tnemom a roF.
![]() Lady Elphaba Post Count: 386 |
Aslo, aparntelpy, i'ts esay to raed a sntenece eevn if all the lrtetes in the mldide are jebulmd up as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteter ramein in the smae pclae ;D Well, for me it's vrey esay to raed!!! Lol. Tsehe tnhigs are so rodanm!
![]() Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
is it bad that I can actually read that without thinking about it.
![]() Ash77 Post Count: 59 |
?anonymouS sourcE od uoy yaw eht epyt uoy woh ksa I nac ?em tsuj ti si .. eros etiuq seye ym evael ylbaborp dluoc tub revelc si siht kniht I .gnidaer detrats dna renroc thgir mottob eht ot tnew yllacitamotua dna ti was I ... os kniht t'nod I
![]() Ecruos Suomynona Post Count: 2 |
.sdrawkcab pu swohs ti tub ,nageb melborp eht erofeb epyt dluow I sa lamron sa tsael ta ro ,yllamron epyt I ,epyt I nehW .gnitirw raluger ees I ,gnitirw era uoy tahw daer I nehW .dednah-tfel neddus a fo lla saw I dna yad eno pu ekow I .derorrim si evom I yaw eht nevE .derorrim won si dlrow eht ni ees I gnihtyreve tub ,yllamron gnipyt tsuj ma I
![]() Ash77 Post Count: 59 |
.doog lla sti ,doog lla stI
.sdawkcab ti gnipyt neht (lamron redisnoc I tahw llew) yllamron tnaw I gnihtyreve gnipyt ma I tnemom eht tA .pu siht peek nac I gnol woh gnirednow mI ?melborp a gnivird si os ,ereht evah uoy noitautis driew yreV. |
![]() .love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
My friend cannot read these things. I can. It is the first and last letters that are the most important in order to read it.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Owwww. Headache inducing. The first and last letters have to be in the correct order, not backwards, in order to be able to read it with no problem. So I'm afraid I only got to the second sentence before having to stop cos it was making my eyes hurt :(
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
xD Just grab a mirror. I'm too lazy to do it but it's not like what Elle did up above.
I agree w/ Ev. xd |